Chapter 1: Spanking

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Izuku felt the tension in his shoulders relax as he finally entered his shared apartment. The day had been tiring , a long stream of petty crime that was hardly physically exertive but wore at his nerves and emotions. 

Plus he'd been hit by some woman's quirk. She hadn't meant to do it, to be fair, but she'd activated her quick when her shop was being robbed. And just who robs an adult toy store anyway?  When Izuku had crouched down beside her she'd startle so bad her quirk was set off and she'd passed out before he could ask any questions.

There didn't seem to be any worrying effects and he'd been summoned away from the scene to take care of another runner several streets  over.

In the few quiet moments of the day he'd noticed a slight... itch? A niggling at the back of his head, like a craving for sweets 🍬 or a cigarettes 🚬 but not for anything Izuku could put his finger on. It was easy to dismiss when he needed to, but strange enough to ask his agent to get more information about the quirk he'd been hit with. So far, there'd been no response and since work was through, the feeling was more present in his mind.

Once inside his home, he removed his boots 🥾  and slid his feet into his slippers 🥿 . He grinned absently at Katsuki's boots neatly tucked away. They'd moved in together along with Kirishima and Ashido after high school to save on rent. Their agencies were all close by to the central location of the city where it could be hard to find affordable housing and quick access to the subway. Pooling their resources had made sense. Some of their classmates had been skeptical that Bakugou and Midoriya could live together peacefully, but they'd both matured in high school—apologies had been made and boundaries had been built.

But Kirishima and Ashido had moved into their own apartment a few years later to explore their relationship further. By then, Midoriya and Bakugou made enough money to continue living there, so they turned the third bedroom into a weight room and continued about their day-to-day lives. Altogether they'd been living comfortably together in the apartment for six years. Occasionally they squabbled but nothing like the fights of their youth.

Izuku shuffled lazily into the kitchen where Bakugou was preparing dinner; the itch in the back of his mind grew a little stronger but he shook it away and greeted his roommate, "Smells good, Kacchan."

The blond glanced back, "You look like shit." The green haired man chuckled, "It was a long day."

"You hurt?" , "Nah, just tired."
"Sit, I'll bring you food when it's ready."

M'kay," Izuku said, taking a seat at the nearby table, his back to his roommate. He laid his head down on his arms for a short while. His phone chirped, a special tone for his agent, and the tired hero lifted his head in hopes of an answer concerning the mystery quirk. He opened the email with a sigh.

Hero Deku,
I was able to contact the woman who accidentally used her quirk on you today. Firstly, she wanted to apologize for doing so and to thank you for your assistance today. Secondly, she assures that the quirk will not inhibit your work, nor should it cause you any physical discomfort outside of a sense of 'craving' though the quirk is unusual in nature.

Her quirk is called kink  Izuku made a startled choking sound as he attempted to gasp and scream at the same time. Behind him he heard Bakugou mutter, "Stupid Deku can't even breathe properly," before more loudly asking, "You need water?"

"No!" Izuku said far too quickly and loudly, defensively and embarrassingly pulling his phone closer to read more.

Her quirk is called kink and heightens lustful feelings. She stated that until the quirk is satiated, you will have a constant but ignorable feeling of want. This is its 'dormant' mode. To become 'active' two parameters must be met. 1. You must be presented or reminded of a personal kink, she said such as nurse outfits, spanking, or bondage, and 2. You must be in the presence of someone who you find both attractive and whom you trust. 

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