Chapter 23: Shibari

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Katsuki had warned Izuku in advance: Shinso and Kaminari had found out through Midnight that Bakugou was doing a showcase for the theme night and now the whole squad was planning to be there 'for support.' They didn't know about Izuku's participating.

It was calming too to know that theme night showcases were more about showing off technique and kink education than it was about sex. More skillful members would complete a scene or, in this case, tie up their sub for others to observe. People were encouraged to ask questions and get advice.

Armed with this knowledge, Izuku was able to take a few calming breaths and greet their friends with a smile when they arrived at the ground floor bar. Still in street clothes, they slid into the big corner booth along with Kirishima, Ashido, Shinso, Kaminari, Sero, and to Izuku's surprise, Jirou, Kendo, and Momo.

"Midoriya-kun," Momo greeted pleasantly, "I had no idea you were a member."
Izuku scratched under his eye, an old nervous habit, "Just joined actually."

"Rumor has it you got hit with a kink quirk," Jirou said.

"Ah, yeah, but Kacchan helped me get it all sorted," Izuku said, "So I'm not under the effects anymore."

"Well aren't you a helpful guy," Shinso said to Katsuki with a smirk.

"Shut you, you tired fuck."

"I assure you, he is anything but a tired fuck," Kaminari joked, earning a round of laughter.

Izuku squeaked in shock when someone grabbed him from behind and lifted him in a bear hug. "If it isn't my precious kohai!" cheered a familiar voice.

"Mirio-sempai!?" Izuku asked, flailing a bit when Mirio dropped him back to his feet.

"I saw you come in and wanted to say hi!" Mirio turned a friendly smile to Katsuki, "And if it isn't King Explosion Murder! Haven't seen you here in a while."

"Shut the fuck up, Kitty Pride, I've been busy!"

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"Shut the fuck up, Kitty Pride, I've been busy!"

Another familiar, dry voice interrupted them, "I see you're all having fun."

"Oh hi Aizawa-sensei!" Ashido greeted the newcomer.

Izuku's face flushed red as he turned to see his teacher, dressed the same as always, tired gaze taking in the on-goings around him. The older man looked to Izuku and quirked an eyebrow, "Didn't know you were a member."

"Ju-just joined," Izuku stammered.

"You showcasing tonight?" Katsuki asked their sensei casually.

"No," Aizawa answered, "Midnight asked me to monitor the floor. You know how people can get sometimes—though I haven't spotted too many new faces."

"Shibari night is usually a much calmer affair than most others," Kendo pointed out.

"True," said Aizawa, "Don't think she could pay me enough to deal with the idiots on impact play nights. Anyway, Bakugou, the equipment is being checked over and cleaned up. They were going to let the participants up beforehand but things ran behind schedule, is that going to be a problem?"

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