Chapter 25: Sadism

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Aggressive, volatile, egotistical, violent, and sadistic were all words Katsuki had heard used to describe him. Some self-reflection over the years forced him to acquiesce the truth in them, his job required he learn to control these negative traits, but there were times when all Katsuki really wanted to was to step on someone while they begged at his feet. To humiliate and belittle, to inflict injury and pain: those were the things that really got him going.

He was willing to admit that his superiority complex might be a little unhealthy. That his need to be above and better than others spoke of some deeper core need. But what was the use in all that therapy when he could indulge with willing participants who ate up all the visceral, destructive bullshit he could dish out?

And yeah, the meet ups at the club and the occasional standing contract with one sub or another had been nice. They'd relaxed him, let him indulge, and took care of baser needs without all the messy emotions and feelings.

Okay, fine. At some point Katsuki had started harboring a major crush on his roommate without even noticing. And at some point he'd fallen in love with the nerd and he still hadn't noticed.

But that first night, when the quirk went into effect and Izuku laid across his lap, hard and crying as Katsuki spanked him—well, that was the best damn high he'd ever felt from giving in. The longer they went on, the more he didn't want to just demean Izuku in the bedroom but support him everywhere else.

He truly loved Izuku. Knowing he was loved back? That was the most valuable fucking piece of information he'd ever learned in his life.

That said, some days he really, truly just needed to watch someone crawl and beg at his feet.

Izuku had asked him to share his kinks with him, to rely on his ability to take it just as Izuku relied on Katsuki to be able to deliver.

Katsuki had arrived home late after a shit storm of a day, one bullshit thing after another until just as he was about to clock out HR called him in. He was sure they were gonna call him out for fucking Izuku on that god damned train but no, apparently someone had just released another bullshit article about him cussing too much in front of children. The ensuing argument about how he was going to improve his public persona took entirely too long.

Then his fucking train had been late in arriving for the first time in a decade and some group of shitty fans had antagonized him for autographs—which he gave, fuck you very much head of HR

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Then his fucking train had been late in arriving for the first time in a decade and some group of shitty fans had antagonized him for autographs—which he gave, fuck you very much head of HR. When he finally got home it was to a burnt dinner, a frazzled Izuku, and a fucking hole in the wall between their little work out room and the kitchen.

Katsuki stood in the kitchen, trying to conceive what in the world could possibly have fucking happened. He pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to take a deep breath and count to ten but Izuku was prattling on about how he'd put their dinner in the oven to bake and then gone to lift some weights and then there'd been a spider and he'd thrown a dumbbell through the wall and then panicked about the hole and the now missing spider and apparently he'd never set a timer on the oven and here they were.

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