Chapter 2: Body Writing

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The next day, Izuku returned to work feeling satiated, if a little tender when seated. Despite how refreshed he felt in general, the little itch in the back of his mind hadn't subsided. So, spanking was clearly not his only kink, but based on his anxious observations of the previous night's activities, there were definitely other factors at play in regards to how turned on Katsuki had got him.

He'd particularly enjoyed how caring Katsuki had been, petting and soothing and checking in. He'd liked the kind words. But gods he'd loved getting spanked and his hair pulled and... okay, different train of thought, he was in public.

So, he had more kinks. But, how many kinks do people have? And was spanking really a kink or was it part of a bigger kink? He sighed in frustration, he didn't know how all this worked.

He decided to take a quick break on his patrol, full cowling his way up the side of a nice, tall building to settle at the top and monitor while he took a moment for himself. Just as he settled himself comfortably leaning along the raised edge of the building, his phone buzzed.

[Kacchan:] You seemed like you really enjoyed getting praised last night.
[Kacchan:] You got a praise kink?

[Me:] Praise kink?

[Kacchan:] You know, like, good boy
[Kacchan:] compliments and shit

[Me:] That's a kink?

[Kacchan:] ...
[Kacchan:] you're fucking kidding right?

[Me:] I really don't know about all this stuff!
[Me:] no one ever called me a good boy before

[Kacchan:] Well?

[Me:] Well what?

[Kacchan:] Did you like it?

[Me:] Very much

[Kacchan:] I'm gonna assume you don't know what body writing is
[Kacchan:] But thought we could try it tonight maybe?
[Kacchan:] You'd have to take some clothes off though, so if you don't want to that's cool

[Me:] We can try it
[Me:] Supposed to explore right?

[Kacchan:] I'll pick up some markers before I head home then
[Kacchan:] looking forward to it, baby

Katsuki had called him that while they were doing... whatever it is they're doing. He really liked it. The blond had liked it when Izuku used his name last night, he'd heard the deep moan, felt him buck beneath him. He'd done that too when Izuku had...

[Me:] Me too, sir

Three patrol zones away, Katsuki bit back a pleasured groan when he saw the final text. He was street-level, couldn't be making lewd noises but damn was that difficult at the moment. Izuku had been so out of it, the blond didn't think he'd noticed what the phrase had done to Katsuki. It had taken him so long to respond, the explosive hero thought maybe he'd gone too far calling him baby in the text. This was just friendly kink exploring, after all.

But damn, Izuku was such a natural sub and the nerd probably thought a sub was just a sandwich.

Bakugou had figured out his kinks in high school and explored them thoroughly once they'd graduated. Finding a good match could be hard; kinks don't always align and not everyone is up for the same intensity. Some of his past partners wouldn't have even been able to handle last night's little scene but Izuku had been perfectly able to handle Bakugou's level, even begged for more.

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