Chapter 20: Branding 18+

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Izuku spent the next two days of desk duty relearning how to pronounce words clearly, his office mates teasing him as he got accustomed to the rubbery silicone disc he wore at work. His agent was unimpressed by the little orange cylinder now decorating his tongue; perhaps that was why Izuku was volunteered to attend the Inner-District Conference that was held twice a year.

No one enjoyed the IDC--lovingly referred to among heroes as the I Don't Care. They all knew it was a media show, just an opportunity to pat each other on the back and spin tales of their successes. Each agency sent one of their heroes, generally one that needed good PR, was injured or benched, or had irritated someone in the HR office. The hero then went to Hero Commission HQ in costume to eat stale donuts, drink watered down black coffee, and then sit through a two hour lecture complete with slideshow while the media snapped pictures. Afterwards, there'd be a poor excuse for a free lunch and they'd be dismissed back to their normal duties.

Izuku was less than pleased to be told he had to go on what was supposed to be his first full day back on patrol. It made the situation a little better that he ran into Katsuki as he was entering the conference room.

"Ground Zero?" he teased, "What brings you here?"

"Shitty R R (Red Riot )agent is what!" the blond growled, unimpressed with Izuku's responding laughter.

As they moved into the conference room to get seated, a cheerful voice interrupted their usual banter, "Deku-kun!"

Who the hell is this!?" Katuski asked, a sharp glare aimed at the intruder.

She pivoted, letting one arm slide over Izuku's shoulder so she could grope his bicep and pull him into a side hug, "I'm Mist! A side-kick at--"

"Like I care," Katsuki cut her off, stomping a few steps away to sit in one of the uncomfortable chairs lined up for the heroes.

"Ah," Izuku said, that nervous quiver in his voice, pulling away from the younger hero, "Well, I should get seated, it was good to see you!"

"I'll join you!"

"Oo-okay," Izuku stumbled, turning around to join Katsuki only to have Mist sit on his other side. The strength hero could hear the annoyed click of Katsuki's tongue as he crossed his arms and slumped further down into his seat.

"Mist is a side-kick at Mt. Lady's agency," Izuku said quietly, "she used to intern at my agency when she was at UA."

"Didn't ask, nerd," Katsuki groused.

Izuku opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by the young woman leaning into his other side, tugging his arm so that it squished against her breasts. "Is that Gang Orca? What's he doing here?"

"They always have a top 10 here for the media," Izuku replied, shifting uncomfortably away from the girl so that his arms brushed up against Katsuki's. The blond looked over just in time to watch Mist put her hand on Izuku's upper thigh and squeeze.

"Oh!" Izuku startled, jostling both Katsuki and Mist away from him slightly, "Looks like it's starting, guess we should sit up?"

"Good idea, Deku-kun," said MIst, sitting up more primly but crossing her legs so that she could let the top of her boot rub along the back of Izuku's calf. Katsuki grunted and sat up, but seemed to only look more annoyed in doing so.

 Katsuki grunted and sat up, but seemed to only look more annoyed in doing so

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