Chapter 4: Blindfold

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The next day ran both heroes ragged, a series of synchronized robberies putting all on-duty heroes into a chaotic torrent of activity. They'd managed to catch the vast majority of those involved, but a few smart criminals were able to slip away in the chaos—including one in Deku's patrol zone. The hero knew he'd made the right choice, saving a civilian over capturing one crook who didn't even have his prize but that didn't stop it from being frustrating. Worse when the media was broadcasting more on his failure than the overwhelming success of the day.

Katsuki knew the feeling all too well, and he knew Izuku would be worked up when he arrived home, overrun with anxiety and guilt. He'd need to get out of his head.

For once, Katsuki might be able to help him do just that and the privilege of that weighed on him heavily. A mixture of anxiety and utter excitement tinged with a generous dose of concern kept him flitting about their shared home. He prepped dinner, picked up around the apartment, then pulled out a few items from the chest in his bedroom and placed them on the coffee table.

The nerd was late getting home. He wasn't one to drown his woes in booze, but he had a tendency to wander when he got lost in thought. The explosive hero was just on the verge of texting for an ETA when the smaller man arrived home, sullen and tired.

"Hey," Katsuki greeted at the door.

Izuku met him with a smile, small but genuine. The blond could see the way the tension in Izuku's shoulders held firm.

"C'mere, nerd," Katsuki said, pulling Izuku into a tight hug.
They didn't do this.

They didn't offer each other physical comfort outside of a slap on the shoulder with a 'better luck next time.' They distracted each other with old movies and gave each other space to lick the wounds on their pride.

Nonetheless, Izuku didn't question the gesture, instead melting into the warm touch of his—roommate wasn't the right word anymore but he didn't have the emotional strength to chase the thought at this moment.

Katsuki stroked his hair and mindlessly kissed the top of Izuku's head, "Dinners ready. Made Katsudon."Izuku leaned back so he could look up at the other, "On a weeknight?"

"Shit day, we deserve comfort food."
The green haired man chuckled, "Thanks, Kacchan."

Katsuki entertained him through dinner, telling stories his idiot friends had shared with him throughout the week, carefully avoiding the day's events. When they finished, he forced Izuku to let him do the dishes and shooed the smaller man off to shower. "And be thorough," Katsuki said, grabbing Izuku's hand before he could run off, "I wanted to try something new tonight. You can pick one of the items off the coffee table after you shower."

Izuku visibly gulped, nodded his head, and then scurried away.

Bakugou had situated himself in the armchair of the living room when Midoriya returned wearing a decidedly unsexy fluffy bathrobe, his hair damp—droplets of water still occasionally dripping down to pool in the fabric.

"Take a seat, baby," Katsuki said, gesturing to the sofa, "If you want to, of course." He wanted Izuku to have an out, let him know he didn't have to do anything tonight, but Izuku nodded enthusiastically and sat down in the center of the sofa.

"Pick one," Katsuki said, gesturing to where he'd set out three items: leather handcuffs, a silk blindfold, a simple ball gag.

Izuku chewed at his bottom lip looking at the items, not immediately answering.
"What's the matter, baby? Nothing you like?"

"Um, that's not—"
Katsuki gave a smug grin, "Oh I see, my slutty baby doesn't want to choose just one."

The flush beneath Izuku's freckles deepened and he ducked his head, "Yes, sir."
"How about you tell me which ones you like, and I'll choose for you?"

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