Chris Evans Imagine

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Boston is always so beautiful in the fall and this year was no different. You smelled the cold brisk air as you stepped outside of your house. The trees were turning a pretty orange, red, and even some purple. It was your Saturday morning tradition to take a walk in your neighborhood to the nearby park. Sometimes your sister, Cassie came with you, but she would rather sleep in than get up early and do "physical exercise" as she liked to call it. The only thing that would get her out of bed was Starbucks.

"You'd better get me a Chai Tea Latte like you said you would," She said with a playful, yet annoyed look on her face.

"Don't worry, Cas I will. Why don't you just enjoy God's beautiful creation out here, huh?"

"I will, I will. From inside our house. It's freezing out here!" She was wearing short sleeves and sweatpants from Pink.

"I told you to bring a jacket, but no you'd rather look cute than be warm! Then there's me who doesn't care how I look as long as I'm comfortable. And besides, its not like we're gonna see anyone anyways." You say.

"Alright, alright I get your little speech." She smirks and rolls her eyes at you. We walk in silence until we get to the park. Usually its empty at this time of day, but today there was a man with a little boy on the playground. The man had dark brown hair and some scruff on his face. For some reason he looked familiar, but you couldn't figure out where you had seen him.

"You said we wouldn't see anybody," Cas says under her breath. She tries to fix her messy bun.

"Well sorry that the one time you come with me there's someone here!" you walk over to the swing set and sit on the cold rubber seat. Cas follows and sits on the one beside you.

The little boy comes and runs in front of the swing set. He was adorable. "Do you guys wanna push me on a swing?" He asks with his big blue eyes. How could you say no?

"Sure, little buddy!" you say as you hop off the swing. The boy jumps on and you start to push him slowly. You look behind you and see the man watching you push the boy. He smiles and waves.

"Uh, (y/n)? I think that's Chris Evans," Cas says with wide eyes.

Of course it is! That's why he looks so familiar! You are a huge fan of his work. He wasn't all that bad looking, either. You were way to young for him, being seventeen, but still.

"Uncle Chris, come watch me!" The boy yells with a cute grin on his face.

Chris walks over to where you were and introduces himself to Cas. They talk for a couple minutes and then he walks over to you. Stay calm, (y/n). He's just a normal guy.

"Hi, I'm Chris. Thanks for pushing Miles on the swing! It looks like he's really enjoying it!" His smile makes you blush. How can one man be so handsome?

"It was my pleasure! I had a lot of fun doing it. I'm (y/n) by the way." You shake hands with him.

"So do you live near here? I didn't think anyone knew about this park." He said.

"Yeah we live a couple blocks down actually." You point in the direction of the house.

"Sweet. Well I probably should get Miles back home, but it was nice to meet you ladies!" He smiles again.

"It was nice meeting you, also! If you don't mind could we get a picture with you?" Cas asks.

"Sure no problem! I guess my hat and sunglasses didn't help my disguise."

"Yeah, not really." You laugh and he laughs with you. You take a picture and say goodbye. Hopefully you can see him again at the park sometime. Chris was a lot of fun and a sweet, down to earth guy. You were very glad you met him.

Thanks guys for reading this! I know Chris wasn't in a lot of it, but I was really glad how Cassie and (y/n)'s relationship turned out! I would love your feedback! Thanks again xx
Phil. 4:6-7

chris evans/steve rogers imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now