Your beautiful to me-Chris Evans Imagine

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Request by:@KyraSailer

"1...2...3..." I was counting how many leg lifts I was doing for my workout. Today is ab day and its really killing me. "23...24...25..."

"Babe, what are you doing?" Chris asked from the top of the stairs. He wasn't supposed to get home from the set until later.

"Oh, um nothing." I got up quickly. "Just thought I heard a noise in the basement so I came to check it out." I lie. I didn't want him to know that I've been working out for the past month.

"Well, alright. Joss let me out early since a scene they were shooting without me was taking longer than expected.," he came and gave Mr a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm happy I can spend some time with you today. You've been in and out for work lately and I miss you. I can make some lunch for you if you want?"

"Yeah that would be great! Are you going to eat with me?" He asks. I haven't eaten all day. I had some ice cream last night so I probably shouldn't eat.

"No, I'm not that hungry. I'll sit with you, though!" I put on a fake smile.

He frowns a bit and says,"Kyra, what's really going on? I know that you have been working out lately and there's nothing wrong with that, but not eating is not okay."

Tears begin running down my cheeks. Chris hugs me and I tell him everything. How I felt like I was gaining weight so I started to work out. How all the actresses he's worked with are gorgeous and skinny so I stopped eating so I could look like them. How I never feel like I'm good enough for him.

After a pause, he sighs and says,"Aw, baby. I had no idea. You are smart, kind, warm-hearted, and very talented. You are gorgeous in every way. I love you more than any flaws that you think you have. We all mess up sometimes, but I love you for it. You are beautiful to me," he kisses my lips and holds me for a while.

"I love you, Chris."

"I love you more, Kyra."

Hope you liked it Kyra! This was my first request so bear with me..comment what you guys thought! Peace out Evangers!

chris evans/steve rogers imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now