the first i love you (steve)

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Right after you broke up with your ex

You continue walking down the street sobbing. Right before this moment you were at your boyfriend's, now ex's, apartment confronting him about the other girl in his life. That's right, he cheated on you. The rumors had been going around for a while, but you didn't want to believe them. He was your first love.

Text to Steve
Hey, can I come over? I need to vent..

Text from Steve
Absolutely :) I'll be here waiting

You walk to your best friend, Steve's, apartment. He's been right by your side through everything. Your parents divorce, the start and now end of your relationship with your ex, everything. He's the only person you fully trust and you can tell him anything knowing that he won't tell a soul. You ring his doorbell and he comes almost immediately to let you in.

"Hey, (y/n). Come in. Are you okay? You look like you've been crying," he takes your jacket and gives you his famous sympathetic smile.

"Well, honestly, I'm not okay and I was sobbing earlier. I found out Drew cheated on me.." the tears flood your eyes and roll down your cheeks.

Steve's jaw clenches and his eyes look straight into yours and then to the ground. He figures out what he wants to say and then looks back at you. "I never liked that guy. He never treated you like you deserve to be treated. You can do way better than that scum bag." He pauses. Your tears haven't stopped coming. "I know we've only ever been really good friends, but honestly I was always jealous of Drew. He had what I didn't. He had you. And to hear that he took that for granted makes me disgusted. I think I'm in love with you, (y/n). No, I know I'm in love with you. I can't imagine life without you because I would have no life without you," he finishes. His eyes go to the ground and he twiddles his thumbs waiting for your response.

"Steve, even though I may not love you in that way right now I know I will one day. I hope you can wait for that day to come."

"I'd wait my whole life if it meant I could have you." He smiles. "Like I said before, I love you, (y/n). 'Til the day I die."

chris evans/steve rogers imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now