Steve Rogers Preferences

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How you first met:
You put (y/h/c) curly hair in a high ponytail and you quickly put on your uniform for the cafè you work at. It consista of a polo, nice jeans, and an apron. Its not a glamorous job, but it helps pay the bills.

"Can you grab table three for me, (y/n)? Katy, another waitress asks.

" Yeah, sure." As you walk towards the table a tall, blonde muscular man sits at the table looking down at the menu. He looks familiar, but you can't quite figure out where you had seen him before.

"What can I get you to drink?" You ask.

"I would like black coffee, please." He says in a deep voice.

You come back with a mug and pitcher of coffee. "Here ya go."

"Thank you, ma'am." He smiles. "Do I look old to you?"

You were caught off guard by the question. You can't help but laugh under your breath. "Well, not exactly."

"Sorry, I guess that was an odd question. A friend of mine thinks I do, so I was seeing if he was right." (A/N: Steve is referring to Tony) A nervous laugh slips from his mouth. He turns red out of his own embarrassment. "My name is Steve Rogers." He extends his hand.

Steve. Rogers. Your talking to Captain America! After probably a long awkward pause you extend your hand and you shake hands. "I'm (y/n) (y/l/n) It was nice talking to you, but unfortunately I have to get back to my job."

He laughs again. "If you want...if you want...we could maybe go get some ice cream or something one time?" Poor guy. He sounds so nervous. He has a hopeful look in his baby blue eyes. How could you say no?

"I'd like that. Um.." You grab a napkin. "Here's my number. Call me anytime." You flash a smile and walk away.

So I decided I'm going to do imagines and preferences. Hope you guys are good with that. Thanks for reading!!

chris evans/steve rogers imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now