D/D: When you fangirl

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Fall Out Boy
"Dad! Dad!" You scream.

He runs to you in a flash with his shield in hand. "Are you okay?! What's wrong?!"

"Dad I'm fine, physically. But mentally I'm freaking out because Centuries is playing on the radio!"

He rolls his eyes and puts the shield on his back. "Are you fanning or something?" A confused look is on his face.

"Ya mean fangirling?" A laugh excapes your mouth.

"Yeah, that's what I meant..." He awkwardly smiles. "Back in the 40s, I never thought girls could get any more complicated. But I am sadly mistaken." He walks out and you continue to jam out to your favorite band.

5 Seconds Of Summer

"Happy Birthday, (y/n)! I can't believe you're 16. It feels like yesterday I was holding you for the first time," he sighs and kisses your forehead.

"Aw, daddy. I love you," you reply.

"I love you more." He hands you an envelope. "Go ahead, open it."

You open it and hold out a slip of paper. You couldn't believe what it said. "Oh my gosh, dad! I can't believe this! Thank you so much!"

He laughs and reply, "Well I know how much you like them, and I heard they were coming to town, so I thought why not?"


"Woah, woah slow down." He's laughing harder now. "Its still right months away."

Okay, sorry these stunk but thanks for your encouragement :) you guys seriously are the best!

I went to the dentist today and now I can't feel most of my face :/ ugh. I hope everyone has a great day!

chris evans/steve rogers imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now