daddy/daughter: first day of high school

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You woke up to your alarm clock buzzng obnoxiously on your side table. Today was the first day of high school and you're a bit nervous. Your dad said it would be great and that there's nothing to worry about, but it didn't help. None of your friends from junior high are going to your high school and making friends isn't exactly one of your strong points.

"Sweetie, you should get up now so you're not late for your first day!" Dad yells from the kitchen.

You lay there for a few more minutes and then finally get up. Earlier, you picked out a simple maroon T-shirt and denim jeans with holes and black Vans to wear. It was slimming on you and that's why you chose to wear it.

"Dad what'd you make for breakfast?" You ask as you walk into the kitchen.

"French toast. Your favorite," Dad says with a smile. He really is the best dad. Its hard when he's away on missions, but it makes you appreciate him more than you ever would.

"Dad, I'm really nervous about today. I don't know anyone there," you sigh and look at you plate of French toast.

"Sweetie, its perfectly normal to be nervous. I was nervous on my first day too. But, I did have Bucky." He frowns when he says 'Bucky'. "You are smart, kind, and beautiful. I have no doubt that you will make friends."

"Thanks, daddy. You made my morning," you smile and give him a hug.

"If I were on high school now, I would be your friend," he says.

"Okay, you just made it awkward," laughing you hug him and walk to the door. "Love you, see ya after school!"

"Love you too, sweetie!"

Sorry if this one was bad. Its late and I'm tired :/ Chris part coming tomorrow :) x

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