Tony imagine

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I've been sitting on my phone way too long looking at pictures of people with Chris and Seb at Wizard World today...if anyone got to meet them today and is reading this please comment your experience so I can go cry some more 😂😭
"(Y/n), c'mon. It'll be fun! Plus, there's a rumor that the billionaire playboy philanthropist is gonna be there," your best friend, Kate says as she winks.

Almost anyone could tell that you had the biggest crush on Tony Stark. His witty charm and beyond inappropriate jokes were very attractive to you, which was strange because your personality couldn't be more opposite.

"Alright, fine I'll go, but it's very unlikely we'll see him anyways. He's going to draw a huge crowd of drunk women who only want one thing."

"An autograph?" Kate teasingly replies allowing her to get a punch in the shoulder by your fist. "Stop being an Eeyore and go put your best dress on so we can go!"

A few minutes later you come out in a slimming red dress and silver stalletos. Kate's jaw drops.

"Dang, (y/n)! Back at it with the red dress!"

You roll your eyes. "Let's just go already. I'll drive."

Time swap brought to you by Loki riding a unicorn into the sunset

Just as you expected the part was wild. Tony Stark wild. People were everywhere, doing who knows what. Then you saw him. He was in a black suit with a silver button up and a red tie. Practically matching your ensemble.

Kate smirked when she saw you staring with wide eyes. "Just go over there. This is perfect timing, nobody's talking to him."

"I don't know.. I've pictured this moment for a long time, but now that it's here.."

"Go before I have to drag you over there myself! Make your dream into reality," Kate gave you a little nudge as you took your first step towards him.

Eventually, you get close enough that he notices you. Crap. Okay, (y/n). Make your move. It's now or never.

"Hello? You there?" A hand waves in your face.

You snap out of your daydream. Tony flipping Stark is talking to you and you're not even paying attention. "Oh, sorry. What were you saying?" Smooth. Real smooth.

"I was just asking how a gorgeous woman like you didn't come to my party with a date?" He flashes the famous Tony Stark grin.

"How did you know I didn't come with a date? Have you been spying on me?" This confident side of you never comes out.

"Confident and gorgeous. I like that," just as he was going to say something else, some guys you recognized as Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson called him over.

"Well, duty calls." He hands you a slip of paper with his number on it.

"You keep a card with your number on it all the time?"

"Hey, you never know when you're gonna meet a beautiful woman like yourself. " He winks.

And that is the story of how you met the love of your life. You are now happily married with two children.

chris evans/steve rogers imagines and preferencesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum