Chris Evans Imagine

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Chris had just proposed to you and you were showing off your ring to your friends. You had been his girlfriend for four years now, and you were hoping he would ask you to marry him soon, but you didn't know it would be now.

Flashback to last night

Chris was taking you out to dinner to one of your favorite Italian restaurants. He had been gone for a month because of filming out of the country for Age of Ultron.

A black dress that went to the top of your knees and silver heels were waiting for you to wear. Your best friend said it was very flattering on you when you went shopping last week. You took a little while longer than usual to get ready because you really wanted Chris to like how you looked. He is always good about complimenting you and telling you he loves you, but you always had a thought in the back of your head that you weren't good enough for him. He made you feel special, and you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. You hear a knock on the door. With on last look in the mirror, you open the door.

"Hi, babe. You look absolutely stunning as usual!" He says and kisses your cheek. "I got you these," he hands you a dozen roses in a vase.

"Oh, Chris they're beautiful! You didn't have to do that," you can't help but blush.

"Anything for my girl," he winks. He was wearing a nice black suit with a white button up and a blue tie that brought out his beautiful ocean blue eyes. He slicked his dark brow hair back. He puts his arm around you. "Shall we go, then?" You nod.

The drive to the restaurant was quiet and peaceful. The conversation at dinner consisted of what happened during filming and how the cast was. He asked you about work, and how life had been while he was gone. When there was a pause, he started speaking words you would never forget. "(y/n), the day we met in Boston was a day I will never forget. I was over joyed when you agreed meet me for coffer the next day. You are kind, caring, smart, and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You're my girl," he paused. "And I want you to be mine until death do us part," he got up and kneeled in front of you. "So, (y/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n), will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" You gasp. He opens a black box and inside is the ring you had picked out when you and Chris went looking when you first started dating.

Words couldn't come out of your mouth, so you nod. He stands up and give you the warmest hug. Everyone starts clapping and you hear some,"Awws." Chris was beaming. Your face was probably so red, but you didn't care. You were shocked more than anything.

"I love you, Mrs. Evans," Chris whispered in your ear. His soft lips kissed yours.

"I love you too, babe. Forever and always."

So first off I want to say tysm for over 100 reads in one day! That is so awesome! Thank you for taking the time to read my stories :) I hope you liked this one! Like/Vote and comment it up! ~Psalm 16:8~

chris evans/steve rogers imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now