Chapter 27: Something Strange

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Vanoss POV

I sit in the front courtyard in a foldable chair, looking to the gate of my base. The clouds overhead are dark, overcast, along with smells of rain becoming more and more apparent as time passes. I reach down for my beer, ultimately knocking it over causing it to spill over into the gravel. I watch the glass as it sits on the gravel, not as much beer spilling out of it as I expected. 

I feel a vibration, I turn over my phone that's sat in my lap, messages reading; 'I managed to pass along the letter, my contact has relayed to me that Tyler has the letter' . I squeeze my phone, I look up to the sky, the clouds are circulating above me. I feel my phone vibrate, messages read; 'It was pretty easy considering the heightened security after that whole pancakes-with-a-side-of-9mm situation, you should just recruit me considering what I'm doing here'. I roll my eyes at the messages, outsourcing this kind of thing is stressful.

My phone vibrates again, messages reading; 'That was a joke, but we should hang out! It's been a while, I miss you Evan'. I throw my phone to the side, it kicks up some gravels as it sits face down, I let out an sigh. Dawn was a mistake, less of the her still being married to Moo thing and more her wanting to be more than just a hook-up. 

I look up to see Moo walking out of the doors, in hand he's holding a water bottle. He stands over me, I see the reflection of myself in his glasses, through his glasses I notice his gaze isn't on me. Moo points in the direction of my fallen glass, "Littering isn't going to make you feel better, nor is drinking" Moo tells me offering me the water bottle. I make a face of disgust, "Didn't you just throw down two Corona's?" I shoot back, he throws the bottle in my lap.

"It was one, and that was last night, you drunkard" Moo says, I roll my eyes, "Either way, nothing we can do but wait, she was able to give him the letter" I say leaning back into the chair. I look up to the sky, I feel a drop on my cheek, I wipe it away. "Can you at least do the waiting inside? I can assure you that you'd feel better if we all just watched a movie or some shit" Moo says rubbing the back of his neck.

Ever since then Lui hasn't spoken to me, I've tried to speak to him on multiple occasions, all of them ending up with him either saying he's busy or he makes up a lousy excuse on why we can't talk. I mean it hasn't been bad, but it makes things difficult. "Lui doesn't want to see me, I think the past fews days has made that evident" I say. Moo kicks the chair I'm sitting in over, I fall on the gravel, scratching my hand. "The hell was that for?" I ask, Moo picks up the chair and folds it in. 

"I want to hang out with you too dipshit, I'm going in and if you're not in there we're watching the godfather" Moo says, walking away from me. I let out a groan, "YOU CAN'T KEEP WATCHING THE GODFATHER, IT'S 50 YEARS OLD" I shout in his direction{51 from today}. Moo let's out a hearty laugh, "Come inside and we can maybe watch something else" Moo says. He enters the building closing the door behind him, I lay my head back onto the gravel looking back to the sky. 

The rain water starts to fall, being pelted with small raindrops is almost calming to me. The view is almost angelic, watching the raindrops slowly become bigger as they descend from the heavens. A waterfall drops into my eye, I jolt up wiping my face, What a strange thing to think. I get up from the ground picking up the glass and the water bottle, bringing them inside.

Tyler POV

I walk in the empty corridor, I'm focused on the note that I was given in that doctor's office. The note is different, usually with these types of situations I would run it by Kade but this... Is weird, 'worth a try, things change' It doesn't make sense. I hear footsteps from behind me, I whip my head around to see Nate following me, he has his hands behind his back. I raise my eyebrow "Why are you following me?" I ask, Nate keeps quiet, he focus' his sight on my abdomen. 

"What?" I ask feeling slightly annoyed with his staring, "Is your side ok?" Nate asks me, Straight forward with his questions. I put my hand on my injury, it stinging just from me touching it. "I'm fine, you don't need to follow me" I tell him. I turn back around and begin walking away, I bring up the note and start to read again. 'Trust him' Who am I trusting? I know that Lui didn't write this so who do-

I stop walking, I hear footprints behind me again, I turn around to see Nate still following behind me but a little further back than he was before. I fold the note closed and walk up to him, I stand in front of him, he looks down at me. I stare at him, he furrows his eyebrows with confusion "Yes?" Nate asks me. I tilt my head showing a confused expression, "I should be saying that to you, why are you still following me?" I ask.

"I was given a task to be your guard, I'm following orders Sir" Nate says, I grasp the note, putting it into my pocket. I take a step back, Nate watching me takes a step forward following me, "Well, you're dismissed, bye now" I tell him. I turn to walk away, "I don't take orders from you" Nate says, as he continues to walk up to me. He used to, he used to treat me as an equal to Kade but I guess something changed when I was shot. "Well, go get me a pen" I say.

Nate reaches in his pants pocket, pulling out a pen, handing it to me, should've known. I take the pen, "Great now go get me a snack" I order, Nate makes a face. "What do you want, Sir?" Nate asks me, "Something sweet" I respond. Nate scoffs, "I'm right here, you don't need anything else" Nate says, with a proud look on his face. I sigh at his cringe, I walk up to him "You want me.. to eat you?" I ask him. Please say no please say no, Nate smirks "I think I'd eat you before you could get close to me" Nate suggestively says. 

I grab his belt pulling him closer to me, caressing the leather, "How about we put that to the test?" I suggest. "I like that idea" Nate says, keeping his hands behind him, I move my hand up his chest. Nate grabs my hand preventing from me from moving beyond his stomach area. I look to his eyes, he's struggling, he points behind me. I turn around to see a camera, I turn back, Nate presses his finger to my lips, shushing me. 

I kiss his finger, "Go get me a snack, now" I order, "Yes Sir" Nate responds. He turns around and walks away, I need to get in contact with that doctor, I turn around and speed down the hall into me and Kades room. I shut the door behind me, I start to pace, What happened that would cause Vanoss to shoot me? I open the note and read it over. 

'Trust, Moo'  Did Moo write this?  "Make up your mind" Kade says, I turn around, Kade looks at me and point to his phone and walks into the other side of the room. "I don't even need to be there for you to be able to do it, you act like I'm the only one who can show you how to do things" Kade says. I pick up my phone and call Moo, ringing, ringing, ringing, "Tyler? You're alive, we've been worried-" I interrupt him. "Moo, I don't remember what happened apparently Vanoss shot me? Everything after that is a blur what's going on?" I ask quietly leaving the room. 

The call disconnects, I angrily  stuff my phone in my pocket, I look around and at the end of the hall, I see it. The meat room, I walk up to the door, it's reinforced with steel next to it a pin pad. No other room has a pin pad, I've never seen that before, I reach for the door knob only to have another hand pull mine back. I look up to see Nate, he holds up a small bag of M&M's, "Where do you think you're going?" Nate asks me.

The grip he has on my wrist tightens, "I-I just like to touch the doorknobs, not what it looks like" I say, attempting  to convince him otherwise. "What it looks like, is that you're trying to get into a room you're not allowed in" Nate says, I pull my hand from him. "I'm allowed to go anywhere I want, thanks for this" I say, Nate scoffs, softly chuckling.

He turns around and starts to walk away, "Suit yourself" Nate says, he waves me off. I turn my attention back to the door, I can do this, just open the door and get it over with. I take a deep breath and swing the door open, the room is dark, the door leads to a stairway that leads down. Oh fuck me, yeah Tyler, go down the creepy stairs while you try to figure out why you were shot. Sometimes my genius is too big for my own safety.

I power on my phone, using the limited light from the lock screen to show what's ahead of me. I start my way down the stairs. 

{I'm doing surprisingly well getting these chapters out, I mean when I put a chapter out I already have another chapter done and I begin working on another one, so if I ever miss a week where I can't write I can just put that out there. I also keep thinking of the meme where Wattpad writers have the worst things happen to them preventing them from writing, it's funny}

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