Chapter 8: Stop..

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~Vanoss POV~

The gangs sits in the meeting room, I feel uneasy the aura around the room seems heavy everyone seems to be off thier guard, looking everywhere but at me. The meeting room door opens, I jolt up to see Marcel walk in with a file in his hand "Sorry that I'm late I couldn't find Wildcat so I thought he made it already I was apparently wrong", He sits down in his seat.
I sit up scooting closer to the table, "Good morning everyone, I called this meeting for the day before but there were some unexpected events that took place" I said everyone looked at me with questionable eyes. "As you've noticed Wildcat isn't here to my knowledge he has left the gang" I say calmly, a uproar of talking arose from the gang memebers "WHAT, why would he even think of leaving" Moo said "Maybe cause you're always such an jerk to him he maybe couldn't take it" Mini argued "Like you're any better you complain about your fucked up plants and that you have to heal him cause he always has cuts and bruises on him" Moo argues back standing up looking at mini. Cuts? I've never...
They continue arguing with another, I look over to see Lui staring at me his eyes shocked as if he was a statue, I've never seen him like this before I scan the room to see everyone either shocked or arguing. Delirious stands up everyone goes quite, delirious signs something and points at me "Delirious you aren't saying that.." Marcel says "......" Delirious said, starting to see his face paint drip off his chin. The room goes quite, Marcel stands up "since you can't understand what he said Delirious said that the other night he saw Vanoss lecturing wildcat and he was soaking wet from walking" Marcel said his voice breaking.
The looks turn to me, "No.. No no no" Lui says he stands up and storms out the room "Yes it's true and I had a good reason why but that's not the main focus of why I asked for this meeting to be arranged" I say opening a file. Moo walks out the room, the room is slient for a few seconds the door swings back open Moo walks in with Lui holding his wrist "Sit down brat" Moo says, Lui sits in the chair next to him looking down. "As we talked about in our last meeting taking down Kade before he spreads his empire to Los Santos his gang is stronger than anything we've ever faced before" I say showing them pictures of his face.
"Wait.. This is-" Lui was interrupted by Moo gripping onto his arm "This is what?" Moo said in a serious tone looking at Lui "This.. This isn't digital we would have a better look at him if were on a tablet" Lui says, Moo let go of his arm and leaned back in his chair. "As some of you know we had the leader of the brofist clan here with his adviser, he offered a temporary alliance between our groups I haven't said an answer I wanted to talk it over with you all before I make a final decision" I say scanning the faces of the members around the table.
They whisper to eachother for a second, Terrisor stands up clearing his throat "Vanoss we want to know your reasoning asking" he says. Asking for their thoughts on a matter suspicious? "What do you mean by that" I question, Terrisor walks around the table slowly making his way over to me. "We all know what you want, power money and control you would never even considere our opinion on this kind of matter" Terrisor stand next to me "Where are you getting at with this?" I asked. Terrisor slamed his hands on the table infrount of me "We all know, you had Wildcats mouth on your dick" terrisor raised his voice other members shocked to see him stand up to me "We never had any relations we-" he interrupted me once more "Cut the bullshit you never cared about him you only wanted him for his body he had no skills he was weak and innocent and you brought him in so you could get an easy fuck" Terrisor lectured as he poked at my shoulder "You would get angry at the simplest thing he fucked up am I wrong?" Terrisor said moving closer to me "Breaking a plate, talking to people you didn't know being out late, you even got on his ass about how we left him at the chop shop" Terrisor said his tone getting angrier.
"You're possessive and didn't care for him then and you don't care for him now, he was just a pupper for your own personal use" Terrisor said taking a few steps away. I was speachless, the room was quite He doesn't know anything, it was out of love, he doesn't understand the bond we had I loved Tyler I didn't push him away I'm not the problem. Delirious stood up and left the room, cartoonz following him out giving me a side look, "You can't change what you did but the least you could do is change your attitude twoards it" Terrisor said leaving the room.
It wasn't my fault that he left.. Right?

You get a time skip and YOU get a time skip

~Wildcat POV~

I walk around the base as my guard explains what everything is and what purpose it has, "If you look through this window you can see down to the garden area" my gaurd says pointing to the ground. I look out the window seeing the gardens filled with flowers and trees and with the spectrum of colors, then I see two people walking on a path Who's that I lean closer to the window to see it's Rook with a woman. I step back "Mr. Wine Should we continue the tour?" My gaurd asked I stay quite shocked he looks out the window and lets out a sigh.
"Nathan" my guard says, I turn and look at him "W-what?" I wondered he turned around and walked I followed "My name, it's Nathan" He says keeping his eyes focused ahead of him "Nathan.. Nathan that a cute name" I compliment. I see him jolt and turn away from me as if he was flustered "Thank you sir" he says opening a door for me, I walk inside to see a huge double locker with a pin on it "Nathans too long, how about I call you Nate instead it's short and sweet" I say giving him a small smile. He closes the door behind us the room is pitch black, "Um Nate it's pretty dark in here is there-" I was picked up off my feet and layed back on a wall and felt lips on my neck. "N-nate why are you-" I struggled to word, as he started to rub himself against me "N-no.. S-stop nate please" I begged with a scared voice.
He pauses, he listened to me? I hear footsteps from outside the door growing louder "N-Nate wh-" he kissed my mouth shutting me up, "Did you hear boss got himself a new toy" a man says "Another one? Whats so special about this one that we need to know" ask the other "I hear that he actually likes this one, the others he just used for sex" the men laugh "As if he would change" as their laughs fade away turning back to silence. The room still dark and my feet still off the ground and Nate's lips still on mine, His lips leaves mine saliva the only thing connecting us he sets me back on the ground and pins me against the wall.
I didn't know what to do I couldn't see anything and my face was flustered, the slience was defining we stood there I could hear his hearbeat. "I'm sorry..Sir I just-" he goes quite for a moment "I don't know what came over me" Nate says backing away from me, I look to the ground holding the back if my hand on my cheek. "Nate?" I ask he looks at me "Yes sir?" He reposnds "Please, don't ever do that again" I say my tone getting heavy I give him a side look. I lift my shirt up and wipe my mouth What will Rook think if he finds out about this thoes guys said he actually liked me for me if he finds out about this what will happen?
I rub my thighs, Nate walks over and hands me something "What is it?" I ask looking at it "A pocket knife sharp as can be and so you can protect yourself from people" he says. I take the knife from him and look at it I stuff it into my pocket, Nate opens the door I walk out first "Next time I'll use this so don't-" I stop talking, two people are in front of the door looking back at us just as shocked as me.
"Rook? What are you doing here?" I look over to see a old friend my eyes widen.

{Done enjoy :))}

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