Chapter 16: You left me starstruck

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Vanoss POV

Basically helps me to the meeting room sitting me down in my chair, more or less dropping me in the chair. "Ow, asshole" I say, I look around the room to see the group sitting in their chairs whilst Terrisor types in his laptop connecting it to the big screen. The room is quiet, Moo sits in his chair leaning back with his arms crossed glaring at me. Next to him stands Lui that on the table has small flowers that he's placing on Moo's head and chest, not paying much attention to me at the current moment. Cartoonz scribbles in a notebook, he makes a strange face then quickly erases it, writing again. I don't like this.
Terrisor stand up straight and looks directly at me, he crosses his arms and let's out a soft sigh. "Van-...." I see him stop and reconsider his words. "Evan.. We understand that this whole Wildcat leaving situation is taking a very clear toll on you, but I think that you don't understand how it's effecting the rest of the team" he says calmly. I squint my eyes at him and look around at the members of the table, who at the time, aren't looking at me, besides Moo. I sit up looking at Terrisor, "Is this a fucking intervention?" I say looking around the table Everyone still not making eye contact with me besides Terrisor.
Terrisor puts his hand on his head rubbing it, I hit the table with my fist getting everyone's attention besides Moo who's still crossed arm with Lui next to him. The hit on the table, makes Lui flinch he ducks behind Moo's chair hiding from my field  of vision.


I turn my head to Lui who's now crouching next to me, he starts shaking holding onto the arm of the chair I'm sitting in. I reach out my arm that's tucked under my crossed arm towards him, I make a motion. He looks up at me, then down at my hand. He slowly grabs my hand and rest his head on my arm.
I return my head to It's original position, I see in my peripheral Vanoss staring at me. I don't look his direction because honestly, after what I've been through, he doesn't deserve my attention. He stands, I keep my head down and I feel Lui grip my hand tighter He's sacred. Vanoss faces me and Lui, "Lui come here" Vanoss says. I look over at Lui, his eyes are closed still holing my hand. I stay quite. Vanoss slams his hand on the table, continuing to looking in my direction, "I GAVE YOU AN ORDER, COME HERE NOW" Vanoss yells, Lui squeezes my hand.
If I was in this I would be scared  too, I mean a big scary man against a small boy. Just trying to make it past tomorrow, to be able to see..... I grip Lui's hand back, I can't be bothered to think of that right now. Vanoss begins walking in our direction, I turn my head to his direction. He stops, his fist clenches "Come here" Vanoss says to Lui. I let go his hand, I stand up pushing my chair back. I lift my head up and turn my body towards Vanoss, I take my sunglasses off and place them on the table. I look back up at Vanoss and cross my arms.

Vanoss POV

"How about you sit the fuck down" Moo orders, I hesitate. He's not my boss I'm his, he has no control over me or what I do. I stand up straight and look Moo up and down, "No" I say. I quickly regret my decision, he walks up to me and looks down in my eyes. Not to mention that he's taller than me, not by a lot but enough for him to be intimidating . He stands in front of me, I don't know really how to react knowing his past and what he's capable of. "What was that?" Moo says in a low tone, stone faced. I look down, my nails pierce my palm.
"Are we gonna do this all night, Vanoss?" I hear from behind me, I whip my head around to see a video playing on the big screen. No, the video is of me and Wildcat from an overhead point of view, the sound is clear as day. I walked over to the screen looking up at it, "I've missed you so much Wi- Tyler" the video exclaimed. His words strummed my ears softly, I love you his words quickly pierced my skin straight into my heart. In that moment he looked perfect, watch as I run up to him holding him tightly, his scent deeply embed in my nose, to think that he was there in my arms, I felt him, I love you his soft arms wrapped around me, his lips touching the skin on my neck I want you, "oh Evan" I need you "If only I felt the same". I don't know how to explain how I felt in that moment when he said those things to me. "Why would you kill him!"  The screen goes on repeating itself.

The screen shuts off, I need you I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Terrisor motioning towards my chair, I stagger to my chair and stumble to sit down. "This video was on a USB that was in your mouth when you were dropped off last night" Terrisor says, walking over to the light switch, and turns it on. He walks over to his chair and sits down. "Why.... would you show me that?" I asked looking down at my hands, my heart beating out of my chest  "Because you're being blinded by what you think is love Vanoss, but it's not love, it's obsession" basically says, attempting to reassure me.
"It's not an obsession.." I say quietly, I hear a scoff from the side of me. I turn my head slightly seeing Moo trying to contain his composure, "What?" I ask looking up. "What do you think an obsession is? Some kind grade school crush that once you realize that they pick their nose you don't like them anymore? No, this is a person that if you didn't notice, now has turned into some kind of part time super-villain that some how in the time that he's left to now has not only thrown off the groove of the club but manage to kill a member."  Moo states. He sit's back in his chair, I slowly see Lui pop his head from behind Moo, I focus my vision on him, he quickly dips his head back down. Moo snaps in my face and catches my attention, "No, this shit right here, you're not going to do this shit anymore" Moo says circling his finger towards me. 

"Do what?" I asked confused, Moo sits up and faces his chair towards me, "This 'I'm-angry-and-it's-now-your-fault-I'm-having-a-shit-day' bullshit, it's not a reason to fuck someone up especially no one here" Moo says angrily "We are your ally's, you treat us like were you're constantly at war while we're at a stand still. What gives you the right to treat us like shit when we're the only one's who have your back" Moo say's standing up. He looks down at me, "Treat me like a villain and I just might start acting like one, take your head out of your  ass and see that we aren't the problem in your life, you are" Moo states. 

He walks to the door way, stopping for a moment. "Maybe if we all leave you just might understand" Moo then walks out the door, shortly after Lui picks up the flowers that had fallen off of Moo and runs out behind him. I felt stagnant, "Evan... I know that this isn't what you want to hear from us but it's what you need to hear" Terrisor says, placing down the projector remote. He walks from his side of the table and taps Cartoonz both of them leaving me in the room by myself. Treat me as a villain and I might start acting like one.... Am I a villain? 

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