Chapter 10: Madly-

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~Vanoss POV~

I sit in my room with my head hung low I can't get Wildcat out of my mind, I keep thinking of him how he smiled at me, how he talked, how he smelled like lavender, how he looked just so perfect. I hear a knock on the door, I look up to see Moo and cartoonz opening the door "We need to talk" he says. I keep my head low "Fuck off" I say with a sour tone, he scoffs and walks over to me "Get your ass up we're going for a ride" Cartoonz says pulling my arm and dragging me out the door "And maybe ice cream" Moo added in, "What are you doing" I asked following him out.
We go outside to see someone I didn't expect to see for a long time "Dawn? Why are-" I said she walked up to me and tries to kiss me, my eyes widen and pushed her back she looked at me with sad eyes "Aww puppy whats wrong" she said in a seductive voice Ignoring that Moo and Cartoonz were there "What are you doing here?" I asked getting nervous she giggled and pointed at Moo "He invited me to a lovely outting and said we were getting ice cream so I'm in" she smiled her aura shining bright.
I look over at Moo opening his car door for her "Get the fuck in the car" he muttered to me I climb inside and Dawn slides next to me and places her arm on my thigh "What are you doing" I whispered to her she looked at me pouting "Whats that's suppost to mean" she whispered back I rolled my eyes at her "I know you're up to something Dawn" I said turning away she pulls my face to her and bites her lip "Mm say it louder papi" She whispered a bit louder "Hey hey hey I just cleaned my car don't you even think about it" Moo ranted. The car pulled into the Ice cream shop we got out walking in getting looks from every direction from people passing by we walk up to the counter and they begin to order.
I sit down at a table waiting for them to get done Moo sits in front of me with a ice cream cone in hand "Not going to get anything Vanoss?" He asked I look at him with disgust "Cut the bullshit why is she here" I say keeping my voice low watching them order, Moo grunts "Not sure wanna tell me how you know each other?" He said with a intimidating look on his face. I tense up oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck I lay back in the chair thinking of what to say next "They have so many flavors here it's really hard to pick only one" Dawn giggled.
She sits next to Moo and Cartoonz sits next to me, "Mmm yummy" Dawn says licking her ice cream cone, we sit in slience for a minute while dawn tries to play footsy with me. I kick her she moans a bit "Oo save that for the bedroom" Dawn says giving me seductive eye's "Hey stop it there're kids here" Moo says elbowing her, he turns his attention to me "As you might know Dawn my wife" Moo says.
Ohhh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, "Your.. Your wife?" I say turning my look to Dawn she gives me a smile and continues eatting her ice cream, "We've been married for almost 4 years then I found out about what's been going on just recently" Moo says licking some of his ice cream.
Moo never talks about his personal life how the fuck was I suppost to know about.. Wait oh no "Well good for you why are we here" I ask looking at my phone, "Dawn you wanna tell me how you know Evan here" Moo says I jolt up "Sure honey, I met him about a year ago when we were taking a break it was in that one bar I don't remember which one I was really pissed off and he was all sad and cute like a little puppy, one thing led to another and we hooked up" Dawn explained wiping her hand off. I turn my attention to Moo who's no longer looking at me but at Dawn "What then?" Moo asked "We kept seeing eachother after that I didn't really learn his name until the 13th outting" she giggled.
Moo looked pissed with a small smirk on his face "So what he said was true" Moo said under his breath Cartoonz looked at me "So wildcat was right, you did cheat on him" he said looking to the side. WILDCAT KNEW? That's why he never wanted to meet any of my old friends cause he thought I would leave him for her.. "I had a long day and he was being stubborn and I needed a relife AND I didn't realize she was your fucking wife" I yelled out "Why were you in a bar fucking people if you had a boyfriend" Moo said calmly as if this happens almost daily. I stroke my hand through my hair "I was stressed I needed a relife and Wildcat wasn't giving me much so I left" I said Dawn giggled a bit she looked at me "Ok enough playing around puppy" she said her voice getting serious.
Me Moo and Cartoonz turn our attention to Dawn, she wipes off her hands and gives me a look that I'll never forget "Tell them why you called me that night".

Wildcat POV

Me and Delirious sat on the garden bench my head in his lap as we talked for what seemed like hours, "And he never found out" I chuckled I looked up to see Delirious staring off I reach my hand up and put my hand on his cheek, his skin soft he looks down at me "Ah sorry go on" Delirious says giving a small smile I sit up and look him in his eyes, he stares at me confused "What's wrong" I ask he lets out a breath of air "Tyler, what are you doing here?" He asked I sit up straight and looked at him "W-what do you mean?" I asked a bit shocked.
He turned my direction "What are you doing here at this empire you left the bbs gang for all of this why?" Delirious asked I hung my head and grip my pants "And you're dating Kade the fucking leader you'll just end up getting hurt" He said "Del.. Why are you saying these things?" I say my voice low my hand shaking "Ty I'm-" I stand up and turn away from him "It's lovely isn't it.. Jon" I say I hear him adjust himself.
I turn around with a crazy look on my face "The freedom of never being hurt never being constantly harassed again" I say walking twoards him, I grab the collar of his shirt "The feeling of happiness the feeling that you found someone who cares how you feel who loves your scars and beauty for all your worth" I say twirling in circles "My world has been filled with color my heart filled with love I'm not only mad I'm in love Jon" I say we stare at eachother in silence for a moment.
He stands up and walks over to me, he looks down at me with a worried expression "Jon this is where I want to be and I'm happier than I've been in awhile" I say he puts his hands on my shoulders and gives me a smile "As long as you never lose that smile we'll be mad together" Delirious says. I smile back, feel a vibration coming from my pocket I reach back to see the face of someone I didn't want to see again "Vanoss is calling me.." I say Del looks at my phone with a picture of me and Evan at a park his smile shining bright and he's pointing up as I was holding a pink teddy bear he won me. I hand Delirious my phone "Ty what-" I interrupted. I look up at him "Destroy it for me will you" I ask he looks at me and forms a grin across his face the phone rings in his hand then it goes dark.
I turn away and begin walking to the door with my hand behind my back, I stop and turn my head slightly back "You should get going don't want anyone thinking you left too" I say my tone relaxed "Yeah right I should I enjoyed today can we do this again sometime?" he asks "I'll be here, ask for me whenever I'll be off" I walk away.
Well isn't today eventful, but back to work but first how do I put a stop to operation Twilight?

{Did you miss me :) Enjoy}

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