Chapter 34: Common Decency

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Vanoss POV


Me and Moo watch Wildcat from a distance, he lets Kade fall from his arms, no reaction, just... Nothing. "What.. Did you do?" Moo asks, Wildcat stands, looking down at Kade. I've been here before, I know all too well what he's going to do. I stretch my neck, "I mean, wasn't taking down Kade the plan from the start?" I ask Moo. I turn back to him, he still shows a shocked expression, "As far as I know, this is just a successful mission". 

 I start to walk over to my gun and walk over to Wildcat, "Uhm... Evan? I don't think this is a good idea" Moo says, he watches me. I flip him off, I walk over to Wildcat, standing next to him. I look down at Kade, his body just lying there. How sad and pathetic, I look at Wildcat, his face is a mess. His tears dropping off his chin, not sure that he knows I'm this close to him yet.

"I never thought that it'd be this easy" I reach out for Wildcat's hand, as soon as I touch it, he jerk his hand away and looks at me. He sees me and grabs his chest, I furrow my brow, I take a breath and calm down. "Well since the whole reason we were going across the border is well.... Dead, we can go home now" I say. I form a smile on my face, I offer my hand to Wildcat "Shall we?" I ask happily.

Tyler POV

I look down to his hand, rough, corse, and offering itself to me on a platter. Kade is dead, his hands, the same hands that held the gun that shot Kade. Your Kade, His fingers, the same fingers that balled together when things went wrong, and hit you. My Kade, His arm, the same arm he used to hold me back, to keep me from leaving. My Kade, his face, his lovestruck eyes that looked at me, no swooned me into submission. His mouth, that spewed lies that fell from his lips when he said that he... Loved me.

It feels dirty, thinking these kind of thoughts, of what I thought I saw. He's always been like this, he hasn't changed. No matter how I want to see him, he'll always be the same. I stare at his hand, hesitant, I realize that I've been crying when a tear falls on my hand.

I look up at him, his look is worried but I know his intentions. "W.. What more do you want?" I ask quietly, he raises his eyebrow, "What?" Vanoss asks. I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach, I stand straight, "I left my family to be with you, so I can't run back, I was abused, so I left, I found someone who truly loved me and... You took that from me" I say, I look down. 

"So.. What do you want from me?" I ask again, looking back up to him, Vanoss lowers his hand to his side. "I've told you what I want, I want-" I interrupt him, "Me?" I say. I reach over and grab his hands, intertwining his fingers with mine, "Could I.. tell you what I want?" I ask.

Vanoss POV

My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest when Wildcat holds my hands, I look up from our hands to his face. I step closer, He's so beautiful, my gaze softens as I stare deep into his eyes. I miss when he would look up at me like this, his face is so soft, I miss those times. I smile down at him, "Vanoss? Vanoss!" Wildcat yells, I shake my head. "Y-yeah?" I ask, "Can I tell you what.. I want?" He asks. I smile down at him, "What does my Wildcat want?" I ask.

Tyler POV

Stay calm, don't panic, I move closer to Vanoss, moving my hands up his body holding onto his face. Not front, I pull in his face, making our noses touch. You can do this, keep your cool Tyler, "I-I-I want... Kisses" I say. Vanoss smiles down at me, he grabs my chin "Anything for my Wildcat" Vanoss says. He moves in with his lips, I jolt my head back.

"NO!.. I-I mean.. n-no, neck kisses, you know I love those" I say, Damnit Tyler, keep your cool. Vanoss looks a bit weirded out by my sudden outburst, but he smiles, leaning into my neck. Thinking further into this, telling Vanoss to kiss my neck wasn't the best idea... As soon as Vanoss' lips touch my neck, I feel my body melt.

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