Chapter 6: No looking back

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~Wildcat POV~

No I couldn't hardly know him, but where else is there for me to go? I give a heavy sigh and sit up with my body pains remind me that I'm helpless. I reach for my phone and see the contact named 'Rook' I call him and walk over to the bathroom my legs shaky, the phone answers "Hello~" Rook says "Ah R-Rook it's Wildcat" I studder "Kitty! Hello there what are you doing up at this hour?" Rook asks.
I can't tell him Vanoss beat me, I don't want to seem weak like Vanoss does "I-I'm leaving my gang and I have no where to go a-and I wanted to know if I could stay with you" I said splashing water in my face. "Of course you can stay at my base with me" Rook says making noise that sound like paper in the backround "I'll send someone to get you darling I'm a bit busy" he says with a cheery voice. I'm glad that he let me stay with him "T-thank you" I say "I'll send you a text when he gets there".
I look myself in the mirror to see bruises on my shoulders and face. What am I doing? Going to another right after this... I looked into my reflection to my green eyes "It's fine" I say, I get a bag and pack up clothes I could and stuff them in a bag I put different clothes on and spread ointment on some of my bruises.

~Vanoss POV~

I hit the punching bag releasing more anger from my fist, I see sand coming into the air. I lean my head against the bag looking at my feet, What is wrong with me fucking control your anger you dumbass. I hear a door close and a jingle of what I think are keys, I walk to the foyer to see Wildcat with a duffle bag around his shoulder and standing in front of the door.
I walk over to him looking down at him, he shakes nervously "What are you doing" I asked my voice low, no reply "I asked you a question" I say moving closer. He looks in a diffrent direction, I hear a knock at the door Wildcat turns around and opens the door to see a man in a black suit my height looking at us "Mr. Wine?" The man asks "T-that's me I'm ready to go".
Wildcat pushes past me out the doorway, I grab his wrist he winces as I pull him back to me, I grab his chin as he flinches, he looks at me with scared eyes I tighten my grip on his arm. The man in the suit pushes me back and I let go of his arm and face, Wildcat falls back onto the mans chest. "Sir if you touch Mr. Wine again, I'm going to have to use force go on and continue the rest of night" the man in the suit says. I look at Wildcat as he looks away shaking from behind the man. The man escorts Wildcat to the car and opens the door for him, not looking back he gets in.
The man in the suit shoots me a dirty look as he enters the driver seat, I slam the door shut I stand there distraught, disgusted. I punch the metal door, the sound echos down the hallway I feel pain travel in my bones of my arm, I walk over to the training room and hit the punching bag with all my might conituesally He left cause you pushed him away he didn't look back cause he doesn't love you anymore.
The punching bag breaks open and the pile of sand covers my feet, I look down at the sand and I feel arms wrap around my waste I flinch. "You won't push me away Van- Evan" Lui says, we stand there together for a minute He left me broken like the rest. I turn around and place my hand on Lui's head "Thanks, now go on to bed it's late" I say pushing him to the door.
I look at my hand to see my knucklels bloody and bruised.
Just like the rest...

~Wildcat POV~

I sit in the back seat looking down at my shoes, my leg bouncing and tears are forming in my eyes He did this to me He told me to leave He said I was useless I look at my pants, to see the tears falling onto them. "Mr. Wine are you doing alright?" The man in the suit asks I wipe off my face and look up with a faint smile, "Y-yeah just allergys" I say holding my leg down from bouncing.
The man scoffs he digs in the car and hands me some tissues "Here" the man offers, "T-thank you" I say. I wipe off my face and stare to the window "Mr. Wine" I panic and look at him, "Ah y-yes?" I say nervously "It'll be awhile before we arrive you should rest" he says keeping his eyes to the road. I give him a Nod and look back down.

~Bippity boppity boop time skip for you~

We arrive at a gated base a huge building that sits a forest behind it "T-this is it?" I ask scaning the area, "Yes it is" the man answers. We pull into the gate and the man into the suit opens my door for me "T-thank you" I say he nods to me, I step out and the man takes my bag from me. I look up to the front door to see a man walking down the steps, it's Rook I start to blush he walks up to me and kisses my hand "Hello Ty".
My face is hot, "h-hi" I say nervously Rook chuckles and holds my hand and leads me inside his base. My eyes widen as I look around the base, it was much much bigger than the old gangs base "Whoa" I say in suprise "This is where we work further to the back is where the members stay, I'm guessing its bigger than the BB base by the way you look" Rook says. This is wayy bigger than my old gangs base We walk through the huge foyer as I watch people walk past looking at me and Rook, "It's early in the morning my darling, have you gone to sleep yet?" Rook questions walking inside an elevator, I follow behind "N-no I haven't actually I've had a lot on my mind lately" I say.
Rook looks at me worried, he grabs my chin and tilts it up I flinch as he pulls me closer I blush "What are these bruises on you kitty?" Rook asks looking around my body for more bruises. "I-I-I um" I stuttered as Rook's hand searched my arms and face "There are quite a few all over you" he says, Rook starts to lift up my shirt, I back against the elevator wall as he looks at my chest feeling up and down. "T-this really isn't- OW" I cry out.
Rook jolts up and looks at me "does this hurt when I touch them" he asks grabbing hold of my hand. His scent was strong as he moved closer my body felt weak around him, "It ah n-no it doesn't" I manage to say Rook moves closer our bodies touching he leans in his head next to mine and whispers in my ear. "Did he do this to you?"

{Done enjoy :)))))))))))))))}

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