Chapter 12: Love gave you sacrifice

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~Vanoss POV~

This is it, this plan was much easier why didn't Wildcat tell me earlier? He also wanted mini to come, making him come to bypass doors and alarm systems, to think he was associated with the leader he would have some kind of key. It's close to 9:30, I stop at a light, I turn to mini as I see him nervously bouncing his leg, he's looking down at his phone as I see a picture of him and Moo. I let out a deep breath, "Don't stress about it you'll see eachother again" I say reassuring him he looks at me. "He said he would leave her, then we could be together" Mini says his voice breaking.
I feel my heart stop, "He said that when it's over that we would travel the world together and we would love eachother till time stopped, I just hope nothing happens" Mini says gripping onto his pants leg. I felt like shit I couldn't give him advice even if I wanted to, lets just hope Wildcat knows what he's doing.
We arrive at the base we park a bit far. On a road in the woods, me and Mini get out the car and look around, "Vanoss where do we go" Mini asks looking around. I look to the building to see a light flashing shine 3 times then twice.
"There, lets go stay low" I say crouching down, we run past the trees to see a figure of a man looking around, "Do we need to take them down?" Mini asks pulling his blade out. The man turns around, I stand tall and drop my gun next to Mini he jumps a bit then looks at me "What the hell" he whispers, I walk to the man he walks over to me, my eyes adjust and I see Wildcats face he looks at me with a small smile.
I caress his cheek, "Are we going to do this all night Vanoss?" Wildcat said.
I don't know what clicked inside of me when I heard my name in his mouth, I picked him up and spun him around I felt so happy the feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. "I've missed you so much baby" I whisper, I place him down and he look at me and gives a small chuckle and his nose wrinkles in the cutest way so he looks like a little piggy, I loved his laugh and I love him. "Oh Vanoss" Wildcat says he pauses for a monent I back away a bit "Yes Wi- Tyler?" I say a grin forming on my face.

~Wildcats POV~

I pull out my gun and point it in Vanoss' direction, the smile wipes off his face "Only if I missed you the same" I said, I face my gun to Mini and fire it off into his chest. I hear him scream as he falls to the ground, "Argh" Mini wines, I begin to laugh "Hahaha, aww does the nurse need a doctor" I joke. Vanoss dives down to mini I hear his words as his breath fades, "E-evan tell Brock I..I love him" Mini says he goes quite.
I face my gun at Vanoss, "Come on get up now" I say, he turns around to me his eyes widen "What.. What have you done" he says his voice low. I let out a strong whistle, 5 red dots appear on his chest. Vanoss looks at me, he walks up to me slowly "This was a plan to.. Kill me?" He says, I step back a bit "Who sent that text to me?" He says I hear his voice getting angrier, "Hold your fire" I say into my bluetooth. The red dots disappear from his chest, "You said you loved me, Mini didn't have to pay for me with his life" Vanoss says backing me against the wall he takes my gun and throws it aside.
"I love you I gave you the world the best I could and you did nothing but cause me pain I sacrifice my image, my family my respect" He says he grabs my neck and squeezes it I grab his arm and try to pull it off but he tightens his grip. I feel Vanoss arm pull away from my neck in a hurry, I fall to the ground I look up to see Delirious He kicks back my gun I pick it up. Vanoss looks up and he shocked "Delirious!! Don't stand there get him", he stays quite Vanoss grunts, "You never could hurt anyone, always straight to the head so you couldn't hear them scream in pain". He spits blood to the ground, Delirious walks over and helps me up.
He walks over to Vanoss and stares down at him, I watch as his hands ball into fist I walk over to Delirious and grab his arm. He looks at me with the look he had years ago the time he was first planted into the bbs, he had murder in his eyes. "Go inside I'll have Nate and a few others clean this up", he walks stares at Vanoss for a minute then turns around. He grabs my gun from my hand and shoots a shot in the dirt next to Vanoss' hand, "I never miss a shot don't make me come back out here but next time the bullet will be in your skull" he says he hands me back my gun and walks into the building.
I look back down at Vanoss, I squat down and look at his face dusted from the rocks. "Call in Nate take him home, and Northeastern of the gate there's a body... Burn it" I say. I stand and begin walking away, I hear russling behind me "You.. Can't burn him" Vanoss says his voice almost weak I stop and turn back to him. I smirk in his direction, "Try to stop me, Nate come to the Northeastern gate and bring him home" I say looking down at Vanoss, "You're sick" he says his tone sounding unpleasant I give him a chuckle.
"Oh sweetheart, I'm not sick I'm twisted sick makes it sound like there's a cure" I say I walk back inside to see Delirious looking out the window at Vanoss I pat him on the back. He looks at me, "Why did we keep him alive?" Delirious asks I give him a smile "Cause Kade has a certain score to settle with him". I grab his arm and drag him to Kades office "Kade is out right now let's go have a chat".

{Done I told you I would fix that ship}

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