. Chapter Intermission .

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I look into the deep blue orb on my staff as it eventually reflects the present day on the monster world below Starhenge. I always liked to watch over the monsters on different islands, especially my own creations, for they are wandering around down there right now as we speak. While I was spiritually travelling from island to island, I watched over my creations interacting either with each other, other monsters, or just being by themselves.

I spectated Aspen, the Plant Epic Wubbox, having a conversation with Holly, the Cold Epic Wubbox, while they were both relaxing on Cold Island near a bonfire to keep warmth from the light snowfall.

I then moved over to spectating Eldoris, the Water Epic Wubbox. He was having a civil conversation with a Shellbeat on the coast of Water Island.

Next was Dominion, the Earth Epic Wubbox, my youngest creation. Despite his older brother, Bolt, coming to Earth Island with Stoowarb to go see him, Dominion would rather be by himself on the edge of the island, near the currently inactive volcano.

Then there was Beta, the Rare Wubbox. He was currently visiting Ethereal Island for the second week in a row. Perhaps he feels very belonging there, which I'm glad he feels that way. He's always had a rough time fitting in with his brothers and other monsters in general because of how he speaks and has errors all the time.

Now, there was Bolt, the original Wubbox, my oldest creation. As said before, he is currently in Earth Island to go see his youngest brother, Dominion, but Dominion disappoints Bolt once again with his bashful and closeted attitude.

Finally, there was Volare, the Air Epic Wubbox. He was wandering independently around Air Island like normal, till he had found an injured monster that I faintly recognize. That's when it hit me after a few hours of wondering and brainstorming.

That monster is a Kraigon! Azeas' own creation! It's been a while since I have seen Azeas. I wonder what they're up to. Maybe I shouldn't worry about that now.

I knew very well that Azeas cares not for their creation, and it made me very iffy to think about. Your creations are like your own children, why would Azeas not care for their children?

As I've watched Volare and Parlsona slowly let the Kraigon get used to being in Air Island while their injuries recover, I've been spectating the progress very closely. I knew their species were critically endangered, and I'd be a fool to let something bad happen to this poor creature.

Seeing Volare trying to be friendly with the purple monster honestly made me happy. Their civil interaction was very cute, but I could still sense the tensity coming from the Kraigon. They seemed to be in so much pain both physically and mentally, and I wish I knew what to do about it. I just hope Volare knows what he's doing, and I hope he'll help find a friend in the Kraigon, because they probably don't realize how much they both need it.

I am in fact intrigued by the Kraigon, without a doubt. But something doesn't feel right. While I was observing Volare talking to the purple monster late at night, I felt an unwelcoming presence near the Kraigon and Epic Wubbox. Nearby, I noticed something watching the Kraigon from behind a tree on the other side of the dried-out pond, but I couldn't make out who or what this spy was. But what I did know, was that it was not friendly.

I worry for Volare and the Kraigon. But soon enough, they settle down for the night safely, and my worries are put at ease... for now.

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