5. The Unambitious Crown Princess

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Chapter 5

Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi _______

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

"How dare you dance with the prince? Have I taught you no proper manners? It's rude for a distinguished guest to dance with someone else other than the host. You should know better!"

Medea hisses angrily. Lyra clutches her knuckles tightly, all the while thinking to herself,

'It's okay...I can endure this...If I do or say anything right now....it will hurt father.'

"It's because he asked..."

"He asked so you must be happy and didn't refuse, is that it? Did you have fun humiliating your kind cousin?!"

"Humiliate? How? Isn't it disrespectful to say no to someone without any reason?"

"You could've said no if you wanted to. You didn't lose your tongue, did you?"

Karen intervened in between. It seems she didn't appreciate how Dylan outright ignored her.

"It's not impolite to say no when you could've presented your dear cousin in front of him. I supported you for so many years, and this is how you repay me. By bringing shame to my beloved daughter?!"

"I...shame? No..."

"Forget it mother, she's cruel. She must be keenly enjoying all the eager eyes that were on her."

"That's not true..."

"Then what's true? Look at you! You won't even apologize!"

"I.....am sorry if earlier what happened caused you to feel humiliated or shame, it was not my intention to do so..."

Her grip tightened with pent-up anger though she was apologizing, she didn't mean to

"Ha! Do you foolishly think a mere person like you can humiliate me? You're barely on my level!"


Wily spoke this time in defense of Lyra.

"What mother declared is right, dear brother. She's just a nobody."

"That's enough! She already apologized so you two should promptly stop this too."

"Whatever. You can go now."

"And you, stop allegedly taking her side. She should perceive what's wrong or right. It's purely for her better future if she grasps it beforehand."

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