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Chapter 51

"Well, where were we?"

"Come here."

Lyra motioned him to follow him to sit next to her as she sat on the concrete railing that was there in the corridor. From the other side there was this garden of dense trees which seemed more like a forest. Behind those trees, you could get a peek of the huge lush mountains. Between that forest and the palace, there was this breathtaking lake whose beauty could not be described in mere words. Laden with flowers and trees, the turquoise colour mixed with blue was inexplicably gorgeous.

 Laden with flowers and trees, the turquoise colour mixed with blue was inexplicably gorgeous

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"About Hubris...."

Lyra then explains everything to him as Dylan listened quite intently and then remarked,

"Wow...I did not expect that at all. Although it is a pity he was let out sooner."

"Yes, it is a pity. If I could, I would have his eyes gouge out and his hands cut. I can still remember urgh...his creepy stares and his disgusting touch...."

Lyra shivered as she made an expression as if she was about to puke. However, upon realising what she had just let it slip, she instantly turns to Dylan with her eyes wide who with a similar expression inquires,


Lyra gulps as she thinks about what to do. After a brief pause she decides it is best to tell him as it is not like she was in the wrong and nor would it make him hate her if he were to know but in all honesty, she does not want to recall that time by even thinking about it. But then one glance at Dylan and her heart says that she does not want to hide anything from this man as he is the only person in this world who knows her a lot better and the only one with whom she can share a lot of things....things which she cannot even tell her dear sister.

Quietly yet quickly, she explained everything as Dylan's fist tightens and he hisses,

"I knew I should have beaten him up a bit more..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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