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Medea's birthday party's preparation were in full beam as the palace was in chaos preparing for it for over a week. As the day grew closer, the more the tensions began as everything could feel that something was bound to happen at this party since this was going to be the first function being held at the royal palace after Lyra was taking a more frontward stand. Everywhere the factions were being divided, you had to chose a side. Either be with Nabal's faction or choose Lyra's faction. It seems a cold war had started as even among the maids there was clearly a division.

Even Lyra who had never prepared for a party before was going all out with her dress and her crown. There was something she had planned.

The public was expecting Medea to do something that would deliberately humiliate Lyra. Even the one's that belonged to Medea's faction, pitied Lyra about her upcoming unfortunate as there were gossips spreading around of Medea and Lyra's apparent fight.

The rumours had spread like wildfire with more oil added into it by the extra details that every person would add into it before passing the rumour.

Some said Medea had beaten Lyra while others said Lyra smacked Medea by using a nearby vase. Some say that a lot of blood was lost and shed while others say that they merely glared at each other.

Despite all these rumours, everyone was eagerly anticipating the night of the celebration for different reasons.

The bells rang as the palace gates opened and in came trails of carriages. Melodies tickled the ears of whoever entered the ballroom as the lights nearly blinded their lights.

Everything was arranged in a heavy golden theme with traces of bright red that could be spotted here and there.

The theme of the party was to wear pale brown colour. It wasn't an open declared theme but rather what everyone heard from the rumours which were initially spread by Medea. No one other than Medea and her family were allowed to wear any other colour. Although those visiting from another kingdoms had the right to wear what they wish to wear.

Unlike the clothings which were an unofficial rule set by Medea through rumors, wearing a jewellery or having a trendy hairstyle was although not overtly forbidden but it was covertly frowned upon. There was an unspoken rule, a secret agreement among the guests as to not dress up in anyway that would make Medea and her family even the slight bit less highlighted.

However whilst in all the previous parties, Lyra and Astrid heeded to their wishes and barely paid any attention to themselves, this time Lyra was in the mood to go all out.

She forced her sister to dress the best and wear glamorous yet elegantly jewellery along with a graceful hairstyle. Nevertheless one thing she could not convince her sister to do was to put on makeup. It took loads of effort to make it happen and even then it was kept to a minimal.

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