9. Rumors

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Lady Medea ________

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Lady Medea

Chapter 9


Dylan shot daggers at Lady Medea who shrank slightly and motioned her husband to carry on. Nabal then politely advised his wife,

"Don't say it so bluntly like that."

Medea paid no heed to him and said

"Yeah, my daughter is attractive and will be a splendid match for you."

Nabal came to his wife's rescue to provide a more comprehensive explanation of why they were proposing what they had proposed.

"What she suggests to declare is that a political marriage will remain a good way to strengthen the relation of both the kingdoms. There have been until now talks about it and it's a shame that Lyra refused. But before I talked to your father, I needed to know your opinion. I'll respect your wishes."

Even if Nabal mentioned these words, from his dull facial expression, you could tell that he knew Dylan was going to refuse. The sole reason he announced all this was to make Medea overhear it.

Dylan was flaring up upon their proposal. He was going to straight out say no and then leave but then a thought entered his mind.

".......what you declared is true."


The duke's expression was full of shock. He was prepared for Dylan to refuse. On the other hand, Medea's expression was full of excitement.

"Oh yes, I knew it!!"



"If you are mentioning a political marriage, then the first and foremost candidates are the Princesses who represent the direct lineage of royalty. I don't think accepting a political marriage with your daughter would be of any benefit to Helios."

Nabal and Medea's lips were tightly shut as Dylan continued to speak while getting up,

"Although it's another matter that I don't desire a political marriage. I respectfully firmly deny this proposal."

At his blunt rejection, Medea got up and left while glaring at Nabal who mumbles a soft,

"Is that so? I understand."

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