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Chapter 41

Meanwhile, in Anemoi, Lyra had revelead herself to the public which led to chaos in the world of reporters and newspapers. Every article was being published regarding her. They were all more and more curious to know more about their future Queen.

The said person was trying her best to increase the positive reputation of her among the public and also among the nobles. She attended every public event as well as all the social parties that were held.

Her strategy to deal with people was simple. She would praise the others for their talents and skills and talk to them regarding that. However even with all that, Lyra was an introvert. After every social gathering, her social battery was down to zero. She would just lay in her bed the rest of the time all alone. She wouldn't even go to her office to go through all the paper work and would read them from her bedroom as she did not have the energy to talk to any more people.

Her palace was now more lively due to the presence of more staff. But what made her place more livelier was when Astrid came back.

Lyra was surprised since she did not expect Astrid to come back so soon. However Astrid insisted that she knew Lyra would be all alone without her. This was until she met with all the new maids and saw all the changes around the Palace.

"Just what in the world happened in the couple of days I was gone?"

"A lot of things have changed, sister. And a lot more will continue to change since I will be becoming Queen soon. Ah, it is good you came back early. Today I had just finished assigning personal knights to us. Meet Jack, Ingrid, Paul, Ursula, Owen, Fred, and Samuel. They will be at your service from now on."

Lyra introduced her to Astrid's personal knights which flustered her in return,

"Lyra, I have no need for guards. You are well aware of how I remain in the Palace all day. What harm could ever befall me here?"

Lyra smiles as then she states in a serious low tone,

"Please do not resist. I know you understand the severity of the matters undertaking these days. I trust you are not so stupid to not be aware of the fact that there are chances of our assassination since I have announced myself to the public and am fighting to regain my position."

"I am well aware of that which is why I want you to protect yourself. Assign all of them to you, not to me. You are the one in danger."

"You too are in danger now. I am sorry for putting you in danger which is exactly why I do not wish for you to be hurt in a war that is not even yours to begin with."

"They may try to use you as a leverage against Her Highness."

Solon also interrupted and tried to convince Astrid who sighed in return as she then turned towards the knights,

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