22. Foretaste

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi_______

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 22

Within a week, Duke Atlas investigated and covertly gathered all the pieces of evidence. He then requested Lyra for a meeting a day before the council meeting took place.

Lyra, with the same pure smile, sits in front of Duke Atlas relaxed as she sips her tea. Duke Atlas continues to examine her as he still cannot come to comprehend what the crown princess is devising.

"Brief me, Duke Atlas. What prompts you here? How can I aid you?"

"I came to inform you of the results of the investigation."

Lyra's emerald eyes flicker as if the gem-like eyes reflected the sunlight.

"Oh. Why me?"

"You were the one who informed me about my assistant secretary. Therefore I felt it would be right to brief you on what I had found."

"And what did you uncover?"

"All the money that was being stolen, went to an account owned by a sole man. Whether it was the conversion of money, illegal smuggling, all of it can be linked to that same account."

"Pray do tell, it seems your assistant secretary isn't behind this, am I right?"

"All of it goes to a woman identified as Nova."

"A woman?"

"Affirmative. It seems she is the owner."

"And who is this Miss Nova?"

"She does not exist. It is a facade. Instead of her, it is a man who always visits the bank for the transactions and he is the one who handles everything including signing the papers."

"I suppose you identify who this man is. Please do go on."

"It is Sir Hubris."


For the first time, Duke Atlas noted an astonished look on Lyra's calm and collected face. It seems she was expecting it to be Wily. Letting out a small scoff, she states,

"How interesting. Although I believe that is not all you have found, have you? There is something more that you seem to say."

"There is something I am perplexed about, however, I do not know whether I should ask this question or not."

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