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As Lyra took away all the attention from Medea, it started irking her a lot. She then gritted her teeth as she muttered,

"We will see how you feel once all that attention gets taken away. How dare you steal my spotlight!"

Clapping her hands she then announced for chairs to be placed next to her at the stage for Lyra and Astrid.

"Come, my dear princess. Let us sit over there. It is time for gift giving."

Everyone's eyes go wide at her remark. Never before seen the sight in front of them, they were in utter disbelief that such a day would come where Medea would allow Lyra to sit next to her for the event where every party attender presents their gift to the host that is Medea in public.

What shocked them even more was Lyra's reaction as she smiled and went to sit next to her,

"With pleasure."

Medea gives a side eye to Lyra while thinking to herself,

'Just you wait. You shall feel all the humiliation when all these guests pay attention to me and ignore you.'

Lyra who saw Medea smirking to herself, smiled inwardly as she saw a nervous Baron Gavin approaching. It seems he was slightly sweating as he would use his napkin to wipe the glistening sweat from his forehead from time to time. With twitching hands, he failed to meet eyes of Medea as he slowly walked up to them with his son holding a gift and following him behind.

When he reached up there, Medea greets him warmly,

"Welcome, Lord Gavin. It is always an honour to see you."


Gavin wiped another drop of sweat from his forehead as he then looked straight at Lyra and bowed slightly,

"I greet your highness, the Crown Princess Lyra."

Lyra nods in acknowledgement as Medea tightens her fist,

"Please go ahead with what you have."

Karen interrupted to which Gavin secretly let out a sigh and motions his son to come forward. His son holding a box, comes forth as he opens it up to show it first to the public and then to those sitting on the red chairs in front.

What lied inside the box was a beautiful necklace that was three toned as it was studded shinning diamonds. These diamonds were not just any diamonds. They were of purple with a slight hint of sapphire blue that could be reflected on it. It was the most rarest ring ever made.

 It was the most rarest ring ever made

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