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Chapter 37

Lyra pores through all the documents, ignoring all the stares on her and states,

"Instead of that, increase the import and decrease the export. Without increasing the taxes like this. Let me ask you. Every few weeks when we have a meeting like this, on every report you say to increase their taxes by 2-3%. While it seems like a small amount, do you know how much taxes you have imposed on them over the past years? Around 338%. That is not a normal amount. How do you expect your people to work for you when they cannot even afford to live? Reduce the taxes by 17%. And increase the taxes on luxury goods that are exported by 3%. Increase the number of imports by 20%. And decrease the number of exports by 5%. Only those goods will be exported which we cannot manufacture. If there is a thing that is not available here, that will be exported at a normal rate. However, those that are available but people still covet them since they are a luxury, place tax on them."


There was silence. Everyone glanced at Nabal and then at Lyra. Lyra's idea was technically speaking quite well planned out. However, following her would mean going against Nabal.

Nabal in return remarked,

"Let me get this straight. How do you suppose we are to increase our imports?"

"By developing more factories and producing more goods."

"That is not possible. There is no money."

"Actually as a matter of fact. There is money for it. We can set up around five more factories using the money which you are using to build those Royal Parlour houses for noble women to just sit around and gossip."

"We can't use that budget!"

"We will face a backlash from the aristocrats."

"That is not possible. Those houses are a place for women to sit and relax and be themselves without any worry."

"Besides, they will pay for their food there so we will get more money in return. It is a good business idea."

"It is a pathetic one. Any idea that does no good to our kingdom is pathetic."

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