13. 'You'

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 13

Lyra fiercely gazed at Solon with her hand across his mouth as he looked at Xavier and Dylan for help.

Dylan retained an unreadable expression on his face. For some reason, he did not enjoy Lyra's hands on another man's mouth. Even if this action was habitual among friends and did not mean anything, still it irked him.

Solon on the other hand tries to speak but he fails to do so. Only letting out muffled voices.

Dylan then gets up and softly pushes Lyra's hand away from Solon and adds,

"Fine. I don't need to know more about it. Just brief me about this issue about its sequel."

Solon then thanks him and explains,

"Well, the book shattered records. But it suffered one problem. It included an open ending. People have been dying for its sequel. Including me. I have been requesting her highness for it but she refuses every time saying it is embarrassing. Even though the first time she wrote it was because she required funds to donate medical equipment to our local hospital. But still, it is too cruel to leave us all hanging like this. I am right to ask for a sequel aren't I, your highness Dylan?"

"Yes, you are."

Dylan smirks and turns to Lyra who mutters with her face red,

"...If I publish the sequel, you will agree to work with me?"



Lyra said as she then started walking to leave,

"Come to the palace before noon tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do."

"Got it, your highness."

Dylan then turns to Solon and whispers,

"Deliver the book to me tomorrow to read. I'll reward you extra."

"Acknowledged. I will make sure to do so."

Dylan then smiling, started catching up to Lyra who looked like she was fleeing from this house.

Xavier also follows after them but soon discovers them to be lost. He then tries to look for them.

Meanwhile, Dylan who had caught up to Lyra halts as she stops storming as well.

They were near the ocean, in a secluded place. The full moon illuminated brightly in the sky. Although dark clouds were soon started to gather up.

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