25. The Broken Shelter

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi _______

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 25

The next day the said court hearing was canceled. It seems Medea and the rest were still plotting something, trying to find a loophole.

In the meanwhile Lyra decided to pay Hubris a visit, who was up until now in confinement. Even though he was promised that he would barely spend a single night there, it seems with the amount of time Duke Nabal was taking, Hubris may have to spend at least a few days remaining in the place he absolutely loathes.

Smirking, Lyra was leaving her office when she runs into Solon, who wanted her to look at a few documents.

"You seem to be in a pleasant mood, your highness."

"Of course I am."

"Then please take a look at these documents. Since Sir Wily has taken a step back, everyone is looking forward to your orders and lead since naturally, you are the second in authority."

"No, they are not. Listen."You seem to be in a pleasant mood, your highness." I only allow those people close to me who have earned their loyalty. Just by flattering me and imploring me for orders, pretending as if they genuinely believe I represent their leader, won't usher them anywhere. State them to register their concerns to whom they have chosen as their head. I bear nothing to do with this. I merely perform my part."

"While that may be legitimate, however, don't you suppose this may be their way of displaying loyalty?"

Chuckling, Lyra sways her head,

"No. This is all just acting. Shun them. I need to go to see Hubris."

Startled, Solon inquired,


"Sowing a seed."

Scrunching his nose, Solon sometimes failed to comprehend what her highness would say,

"Whatever do you intend?"

"Oh, nothing. I am merely bored. Handle those people for me. I am leaving."

Lyra waved at him and left quickly.

Since the guards knew Lyra, they were surprised to sight her entering.

"Your Highness!"

They all bowed with respect.

"What prompts you here?"

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