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Crown Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi __________________

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Crown Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 27

One day before Princess Astrid comes to Helios for Prince Dylan's birthday;

"Do you understand what I just said?"

Lyra spoke with determination and firmness as she ordered the four young age maids standing in a line in front of her, who bowed their heads at Lyra's words.

Suddenly another maid came rushing and bowed while apologizing to Lyra,

"Please forgive me for my tardiness, your highness. I was away to buy some stuff."

"It's all right. I am glad you're here. Just ask the others for guidance and they'll inform you of what I just ordered. If there's anything suspicious, come to me."

"Yes, your highness."

The maid bows as her expression suddenly changes to a frown full of confusion. She glanced at her colleagues and inquired,


Sighting Lyra leaves, they turn to address her questions.

"Yes, her Highness ordered that nothing from Duke and Duchess Nabal should come in contact with his King."

"Whether it's food or even gifts such as articles of clothing or jewels, nothing can come from there."

"If they do send something, just throw it away."

"Oh my! I always knew those two were suspicious!"

"I bet they are planning to hurt his majesty in some way or another."

"I am glad our Crown Princess is so sharp! She will never let those hooligans hurt our King."


They all nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Lyra was trying to figure out in what ways had her father come under the curse of black magic. She needed to find the source.

It was not long that Lyra had given the order, had a maid came rushing to her.

"Your Highness! I think his majesty was almost going to be poisoned!"

The maid exclaimed as she rushed into Lyra's palace just short of 5 hours after Lyra had given the order.

"What do you mean?"

"Please come with me as I will explain to you on the way."

Lyra along with Solon and Delilah quickly got up and followed after her.

On the way, the maid explained everything;

"Just around two hours ago, Duke and Duchess had sent tea for his majesty. However, as you ordered, we were about to throw it away. But Duchess Medea insisted that we make the tea using the tea powder given to us as it will be good for his health. However, we knew there must be something wrong. So we swapped the teas, and threw out the one Duchess Medea had given."

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