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Chapter 48

When it was time for Lyra to leave for Gaia, she was busy instructing all the maids on what or what not to do. Since she did not know how long her trip would be, she decided to leave Solon and Delilah back here and took with her Hammond and James (both of which were assistants to Solon and Delilah). Although she was not too familiar with those two, she did feel comfortable enough to trust them.

After giving out all the detailed instructions, she walked towards her carriage when she sights a familiar sight which she had hoped to never see again. Hubris stood near the door of the carriage, all dressed up and holding a single red rose. Her hair was pulled back and he was dressed as if going for a party.

Narrowing her gaze, Lyra thinks,

'Does he assumes that I shall take him with me? What nonsense.'

Despite sighting him, she does not look at him even once and barely acknowledges his mere presence.

Noting this, Hubris puts his hand forward to escort Lyra into the carriage as he states,

"I know I should not be here as you do not like it. But I wanted to bid you farewell and safe travels for who knows when I shall sight your beautiful face again."

Upon his words, Lyra felt like puking as the rest of the people near him kept glaring at him. Mika and May (another close female knight) were this close to pulling out their swords at him.

Even though his words were not that offensive, his eyes felt as if they were ogling at Lyra which made her feel a shiver down her spine.

Hubris, ignoring all of this, continues on,

"I understand now that you hate things that show off too much therefore I brought only this mere rose for you. I hope you accept as I wish this rose will make your journey beautiful as beautiful you-"

Before Hubris could add on, Lyra rolled her eyes and without using his hand for support, went into the carriage by herself and closed the door. She then opened the window slightly and added,

"Let's go."

As everyone got on to their horses and started walking ahead leaving a stunned Hubris behind.

Hubris clenches the rose so tightly upon the humiliation he just felt, that the poor flower gets withered in no time as he then angrily grits,

"You just can't be nice to anyone these days.....but it is okay...she is just slightly angry....I will keep trying as her anger will soon dissipate..."

On the other hand, Lyra was in the carriage with her newly appointed yet trustworthy lady-in-waiting, Lady Priscilla.

"Umm...your highness...that...Sir Hubris...he...umm....I think he likes you romantically?"

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