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A few days went by, as people were slowly sinking in Lyra being a major part of all their work and they had to report to her as well. Of course those with Nabal's faction resisted and protested by not telling her everything to which Lyra heed no attention to.

However with everything that was going on, one thing that Lyra found strange and irritated her the most was Hubris and his never ending behaviour to gain Lyra's favour.

One day he had brought her pastries from a very special and famous bakery. Lyra although took it from him, she forewarned him not to do anything like that again. He promised not to do so and as soon he was gone, Lyra burned away the pastries.

After a few days, Hubris again came to meet her with many bouquets of flower which were so huge that two or three people had to hold one single bouquet.

This irked Lyra the most as she then lied to him that she is allergic to flowers and never do this again or else he will be dealt with. Hubris once again promised to listen to her and to never do this again.

Despite his promise, Lyra believed that Hubris could not be trusted and therefore placed guards all around the garden that was currently under her territory including the garden near her office/library building and the garden surrounding her palace. This strengthened the security further and no one without permission and those that were normal part of Lyra's faction could enter this area.

Since it was impossible for Hubris to now go meet Lyra, he then went and waited at the public offices to greet and talk to her whenever Lyra would come there for meetings or other official duties.

Even though he would greet her so brightly, Lyra wouldn't even dare look at him. It was as if he didn't exist. This lead to some rumours being spread about Lyra being quite rude.

Delilah who was worried inquired Lyra,

"You Highness, wouldn't it be better to at least acknowledge Sir Hubris? There are some rumors going around and I do not wish for your reputation to be tarnished."

"I cannot do that. I hate him. I don't even want to sight him yet you request me to even acknowledge his mere presence?"

"I understand that however...people talk...."

"Then let them talk. Tell them how Hubris was the one behind my fake rumours and how he stole money from the treasury."

"Duke Nabal made sure the latter part would remain as a secret from the outside world."

"Then it is time that the secret shall be out. You are well aware of the fact that there is one secret behind those rumours which only you and me know about. You are also well aware of what his actions were."

"Yes, that bastard....I mean Sir Hubris sexually assaulted you that day."

Delilah blurted out upon which Lyra hissed at her in return,

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