Chapter 33 : Did you hear that ?

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The next day, in Charms class, Professor Flitwick started on the Disarming charm. "The Disarming charm, while rudimentary is very powerful. In a duel, if you deprive your opponent of his wand, you've essentially won, but that is not the case all the time as I have met witches and wizards who can perform wandless magic and can summon it back to them. Nevertheless, for your age, it is quite useful in case you decide to use it in a spar against your opponent. The incantation is Expelliarmus and the wand movement is a small twirl and point cast. If you get it right, a weak Disarming charm will produce a white light and take the wand away from the opponent, but a strong charm will be scarlet and can be used effectively in duels, even though it is not effective in finishing the victim" he explained.

The class listened in rapt attention. Flitwick demonstrated the spell and asked them to try against each other, but they were not successful.

"Mr Potter, can you help me demonstrate it?" asked Flitwick.

Harry nodded and proceeded to the centre of the class. "Alright, cast the spell at me, Mr Potter. Everyone, observe his wand movement and say the spell out loud please"

"Expelliarmus" shouted Harry. A scarlet beam of light shot from his wand and perfectly hit Professor Flitwick's wand arm, disarming him.

"Very good Potter, 10 points to Ravenclaw. As you all saw, he added a slight twirl to it, which enhanced the precision of the spell. Go on, give it a try everyone" he said. Since Harry had already taught her the spell, Daphne was able to disarm her opponent quickly. The rest of the class got homework to practice the spell for the next class.

After Charms was Potions, which Harry knew was going to rile Granger up again. He entered the Potions classroom and took his usual solitary seat; he did not like to have a partner during Potions as he did it differently. The rest of the students came in, and Hermione Granger sniffed at Harry and sat near him with Ron Weasley.

Horace Slughorn entered the room and took the roll call; he smiled widely when he came to Harry's name, something that Granger did not overlook. After he finished he announced "Welcome to the second year. Let's not waste time, so who can tell me what a Sleeping Draught is? But of course Miss Granger" he said, smiling jovially at Hermione.

Hermione recited "A Sleeping Draught is a potion that causes the drinker to fall almost instantaneously into a deep but temporary sleep" she said shooting a superior look at Harry.

"Very good Miss Granger, five points to Gryffindor" said Slughorn. "Can anybody tell me what the base for this potion is?"

Hermione's hand immediately jumped in the air, but Padma answered at his prompting "Four springs of Lavender, sir"

"Correct, five points to Ravenclaw. Now, can anyone tell me why we use the spring of lavender instead of, say, California Poppy?" he asked, looking at Harry.

Hermione was confused. She hadn't expected such a question as it wasn't given in the textbook, so she flushed and slowly put her hand down.

Harry raised his hand briefly and answered "California Poppy, while also an ingredient which has similar properties to Lavender, is a lot more potent. We want the drinker to sleep, but at the same time he should not be induced into such strong sleep that he can't be woken up; that is what the Draught of Living Death is for. But in case of the Sleeping Draught, Lavender acts as the base of the potion as its natural properties induce sleep, but at the same time decreases vomiting and nausea as well. Valerian is added in the last stages of the potion as it has its own blend of sedative properties, and also provides the drinker with mild dreamlessness as well."

"Brilliant!" exclaimed Slughorn. "I don't know where you get these brainwaves my boy. Take fifteen well-earned points for answering that question. Lily would be so proud."

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