2-Hairy Man

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I stood still for a few moments, maybe I was hoping that the train would forget me and keep running. But I quickly came to the evidence. That magic train won't leave as long as I'm on it. I packed my bags taking as much time as possible just to postpone for a few moments what I was about to experience.

I went out on the dock, my suitcase in my hand. It was only a few moments before the train left and brought with it the little hope of getting out of it that I had left. I just stood on the dock and didn't move. Not because I didn't know where to go, but because I didn't want to. I stood still for a few minutes before a horrible hairy beast came towards me. When I saw him, I couldn't stop laughing, but I came back to seriousness quickly.

The man or the beast was about to show up, but I cut him off before he could say anything. I knew everything about him. That was Hagrid, the school's gamekeeper. Thanks to my gifts, I had read his mind. I knew everything about him. For example, that he had a dragon as a pet. I couldn't help but think he was stupid and weird.

So, I cut him off and handed him my suitcase. I could see the incomprehension in his eyes, but it was far from my list of priorities. I went straight to the castle without waiting for him to say or do anything. Even though I didn't go, I knew I didn't have a choice. So, we might as well make a proper entrance. That is to say, without the bug and without the sweat for carrying my suitcase from that battered road. 

During this little "hike," I still took the time to observe everything around me. It was already dark, the stars were already high in the sky. She was the first thing I looked at. She was beautiful. I've never seen one before. 

I saw the moon, it was a full moon. She was shining like I'd never seen anything shining. She lit up the dark sky. It was all magical. The trees were large and of different shapes. Despite the lack of light, I could see through the moonlight the leaves of the trees. It was red, yellow, orange, and someone was green. I saw a stream and approached it a little, but I kept a good distance. I didn't know how to swim, so I didn't want to risk getting near it. I heard the water run down against the rocks. The noise was quiet and went perfectly with the silence of the night. Some birds were flying here and there. I had no idea what it could be, but I didn't care.

Unfortunately, I reached the castle in a few minutes. There were no words to describe the beauty of it. It was a little bigger than our mansion. But it remains much more imposing. Then I began to think that maybe I was wrong. Maybe all of this won't be as bad as I imagine. I turned around and did not see the strange monster. No matter where he was, I didn't care. I climb the steps and go through the big wooden door.

I went back to the castle and saw no one. I stopped to admire the place. Having never left my mansion, I was surprised that the interior was not only black. I thought all houses were like this, but it looks like I was wrong. I saw frames filled with colour that I had never seen before.

Then I saw a frame. A woman dressed in a long, light-coloured dress was depicted. She had a tiara similar to her dress, but this one shone. Oddly enough, it was the only frame that didn't move. I keep observing her, the woman had blonde hair similar to mine except that her will reach her back while mine went a little lower than my shoulders. I looked intently at her face, I felt as if I knew her. But I came to the obvious, I must have just seen it in one of the many books I've read. I then noticed that she had orange eyes. It was the same orange as my eyes when they weren't blue. When I used my pyrokinesis gifts, it was this shade that my eyes took on. I was under the impression that this woman was actually more important than anyone thought. She was a very important person in the life of sorcerers, I had a feeling.

- You must be the new student. Rosemarie Riddle, isn't she? I jumped at hearing that voice and immediately turned around.

The torches hanging on the wall went out and my eyes changed colour for a split second. It had only lasted a few moments, but it was enough for him to see everything. My father made me promise to keep my powers secret. I don't really know the reason for all this, but I guess it's for a good reason. So, I couldn't afford it to be known, especially since I had just arrived.

—So, I wasn't mistaken about your identity! He says I tried to get into her mind to find out who I was dealing with, but I couldn't. You can't get into my mind, young lady... And don't worry, I'll keep it all a secret.

- —Who are you? I asked.

—Lupin, former professor of the course in defence against the forces of evil. I must go, but I'm delighted to have met you, Miss Riddle. He told me.

He left while I stood there mouth-blown. I'm not saying anything, what could I have said? I then looked at the time with a simple little-known lap. It's six o'clock and a few, so it's supper time. I don't mind that at all. I'll be able to make a noticeable entrance in my image. I like that.

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