47- New feelings

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I quickly went up the stairs. My footsteps echoed, but that was the last thing on my mind right now.

Draco had seen me, I was sure of it. Anyway, what could it possibly do to him? He had forgotten me. At least, if I had ever been worth something in his eyes, but I doubt it.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. It sounded far away, but still the distance was not that small.

I took a deep breath and trusted my much more developed instincts. I arrived at the end of the first staircase. Now there were two staircases available to me. My instinct advised me to take the one on my left. So I took the left staircase and climbed it at high speed. I then arrived in front of a door. I opened it immediately, not wanting to back out and knowing my instincts were right. I entered quickly and closed immediately. I immediately smelled the fire. I knew exactly where I was. I was in the tower overlooking my friends' secret room. I was a little surprised since I didn't remember the presence of this door at all.

I headed for the stairs and was down them in moments. I crossed the large, dark room without stopping for a moment. I ran out of the room at breakneck speed and made my way to my dorm door. I almost fell so hard that I stopped running suddenly.

I opened my door with a little panic and went in and closed it tightly before locking it. I was panicked at the idea of being followed. Without really knowing why.

I fell onto my bed. Everything was dark. No more rooms in the castle were lit. I lay on my back and looked at the ceiling. The tears had faded, but not the pain. I had never felt like this before. I no longer wanted to do nothing. I was the only one who could relight the torches, but I didn't have the strength. The other students will only have to live in the dark! I didn't care. If he wanted to get some light back, let him do it! I no longer have the strength to move or do anything. I'm going to sit there moping and regretting listening to my fear. Anyway, I had nothing better to do.

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, I didn't move an inch. I didn't have the strength to do anything anyway.

Suddenly I heard a knock at my door. Very strong blows. Despite everything, I still don't move. I no longer had the strength to move or use my powers. If they really wanted to see me, they just had to find a way in.

I heard a dull noise then a very high pitched sound, like a click. I then heard the door open and I also heard someone enter the room. The sounds of footsteps echoed. I didn't move a millimeter. I always stared at the ceiling as if it were a priceless work of art. The sounds of footsteps grew closer and closer to me, but I remained with my eyes fixed on the ceiling.

— Rosemarie, are you okay? I heard him whisper.

I didn't move. I didn't have the strength to speak or identify the person in my room.

- Rosemarie ! You hear me ? Hey ! Stop it, Rosemarie Béca Riddle !

I understood that it was Mattheo . He was the only one besides my father who knew my full name. I don't react. I stay still.

Mattheo started to shake me.

— Stop shaking me. I whispered, not having the strength to speak louder?

— What's wrong with him! my brother shouted at me, both panicked and angry at my attitude.

I quietly let the tears flow down my cheeks. I wasn't able to answer and if I told my brother he would get into a fight with Draco. Although I hate him now, I am incapable of wanting any harm to happen to him.

My brother seemed to notice my tears as his facial expression immediately changed.

I looked at my brother, I was so sad. Perhaps I was a Riddle and therefore I had to hide my emotions, but I was unable to do so. I burst into tears. My cries echoed throughout the room. My brother was taken by surprise at my state.

My brother took me in his arms. He hugged me tightly while I sobbed. He doesn't say anything and he consoles me.

After several minutes, Mattheo decided to speak.

— What's wrong with Rosemarie? he asked me in a soft voice.

I looked into his eyes, you could see the tears rolling down my cheeks thanks to the rays of sunlight passing through my window, thereby illuminating the dark room.

— I saw... I saw Draco kiss Pansy.

I immediately burst into tears. Just naming what I saw hurt. My heart ached with pain. My tears flowed freely. I felt so hurt.

I saw a hint of anger in my twin's face. He hid it immediately. He knew for a fact that it wasn't a good idea for me to see that emotion he was feeling. He squeezed me tighter and tighter. While stroking my back. He whispers to me that everything is going to be okay.

I started to fall asleep in his arms. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was exhausted from crying so much. I was so tired from everything that had just happened and all the emotions I had felt. I then fell into a deep sleep in the arms of my twin brother in no time.

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