27- Letter and Tie

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I stared at my letter for many seconds not knowing what to do. Should I open it and, discover the horrible sentences that will be written on it ? Maybe I could" misplace it » ? No one can actually confirm that I received this letter. My brother and our friends didn't even notice that I received a letter.

I returned my attention to the letter. To ignore it would be much more serious than what I might discover in this one.

The only option with the least serious consequences was to open it.

I then crashed deeper into the couch as if it was going to protect me. I turned the letter in my trembling hands.

I peeled off the seal and opened the envelope. I took the letter with regret, written on that chic gray paper that haunts my worst nightmares.

I pray a deep breath. Then I unfolded the letter and began to read it.


My daughter,

I learned several things about your integration into Hogwarts from my followers.

Tomorrow, I want you at the mansion.
Don't tell anyone !

The Dark Lord


It 's worse than I thought ! A meeting at the mansion is not a good sign, especially since he orders me not to tell anyone. In other words, my brother.

The real problem is that I know exactly why he wants to see me. This reason is none other than my brotherhood with the trio.

Initially, I thought this was easy to fix. Above all, that I had taken into account that he would have asked me all this by letter.

It would have been easy to invent an excuse in writing. But it's much harder to lie to this one.

Also, I feel that something bigger is hiding under this meeting at the mansion. But no matter how much I think about it, I can't find what it could be.

I decided to occupy my mind and forget what awaited me.

Dinner had just started and so I had enough time to make a dress for tonight.

Tonight was a party. My first party. And I had to look my best.

I took out the new fabrics that I had recently acquired and started creating my outfit.

Once I had finished everything, I stepped back and looked at what I had made. I was very proud of it.

I then noticed the time.
1:25 p.m. showed on the clock.
I quickly took my notebook and my school supplies. I almost forgot my green and silver tie that I had taken off. I tucked it into my wizarding robes and rushed to my Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

I arrived at 1:29 p.m. in front of the classroom door. I quickly tied my tie without much success. So I gave up and went back to class.

I went to sit next to Draco.

- How are you ? You look like you ran a marathon. Said the blond to me, laughing slightly.

- Yes. I just ran from my dorm to Here. I replied, catching my breath between each word .

The blond laughed when he saw me unable to speak properly.

I was too exhausted to say anything and let him laugh.

Suddenly Mrs. McGonagall walked into the classroom. All the students were shocked, because the course is not taught by this one.

— Hello, there will be no defense of evil class today. Your teacher had to be absent at the last minute and therefore be excused from class. So you can leave.

- What !? I ran for nothing ? Exclaimed me.

-"Looks like mini-Riddle." Draco replied.

We both walked out of the classroom and headed to the astronomy tower.

Once arrived, we lean against the railing, and we observe the scenery that presented itself to us.

-"You know your tie is badly tied ? Said the blond to me with a smile on his face.

I looked then and saw what I knew to be a disaster.

- You want to know the truth ? say i

He looked at me, telling me to continue.

— I have absolutely no idea how to tie a tie. It's Hermione who's tied it to me since I arrived. And I had the brilliant idea of taking it off at dinner and this is what it looks like when I try.

- It's still funny. I learned from Mattheo that you do sewing. And by the one I saw yesterday you are very good. You know how to make a dress, but you can't put on a tie.

- "I know, it doesn't make sense. ! I said while removing the tie and stuffing it in my pockets.

- I'll teach you. He said untying his .

— No no . It's not necessary. I said

- "I don't care if you don't want to. take your tie ! he told me.

I took my tie out of my pocket with very little hope.

Draco spent the next hour teaching me how to put on my tie. And in the end he was a good teacher, because I had now succeeded.

- You see you can ! Said Malfoy quickly pressing a kiss to my lips.

- THANKS. I'm sure Hermione will be relieved to not have to do my tie anymore. I say laughing. While making my way to our dorms.

"The boys and I are going to the muggle world tomorrow. We were wondering if you wanted to come? Malfoy asked me.

— No, that's okay. Anyway, I already have something planned. I say, suddenly remembering my date with my father.

- Are you sure ? I can stay with you if you want ? he offered me.

- No, I insist. And I really have something planned.

— You are going out somewhere with the trio ?

- No, and stop looking, I will tell you nothing. I say laughing .

We then arrived at the Slytherin common room.

-"We should go help the guys get the room ready. Said he opened the door.

I nodded and we continued on our way to the room.

Once back, I was shocked by what I saw.

There were papers scattered all over the floor. Shards of glass being strewn on the ground. Everything was upside down.

I only walked around the room trying to find the boys suspecting what had happened.

Suddenly I saw them. Theodore, Mattheo and Lorenzo were in a corner of the room. All three had wounds on their arms and their clothes covered in blood.

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