26- Reconciliation and Difficult Promise

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Once Mattheo left, I looked at Draco a little annoyed.

- Seriously ?! Draco you can't do this ! I said.

— What did I do ? I simply told the truth. He replied knowing very well the opposite .

- You are getting on my nerves ! I said as I continued on my way without him.

He caught up with me immediately and stopped me. He took my hand and led me into the empty classroom next door.

He closed the door and stood in front of it.

- Let me go. I do not want to see you. I said.

- Listen Rosemarie, I'm sorry, sincerely sorry. I can't help it, I like it to make him angry. But, if you want me to stop, I'll do it for you, and you only. He started.

I looked elsewhere. His words cracked me up. And all the anger I had gone.

He took my face in his hands and turned my head slightly so he could face me.

-"What can I do to make you forgive me?" ? He said softly, his gaze deep into mine.

- Kiss me. I whispered.

He was slightly surprised, but it wasn't long before his lips were pressing against mine. I suspected that my request pleased him well, the taste of kissing me seemed to hang on his lips for a while.

Our lips were peeling off after a few moments. Our eyes met. Those eyes were still so beautiful and bright and I was cracking up.

- You are still angry ? He whispered softly in my ear.

-"I can't stay mad at you. But don't do it again. I say softly.

He quickly placed a second kiss on my lips.

- I like you. Whispered to me, Draco.

- I love you even more. I said.

- Come on, we have to go to class. Said the blonde gently taking my hand.

We walked together, holding hands toward the next class. Arriving in class, we quickly threw our hands. Seeing the other students watching us.

I took a seat again next to Mattheo. Draco sat down with Lorenzo at the desk beside us. Which seemed to slightly displease my twin.

-"What were you doing with him?" ? Matt asked me.

— I'm not allowed to hang out with him. ? I asked.

- Stop lying. replied - he

- Yes, you ask your question clearly, yes, you are silent. I'm fed up. I said

-"You spent the evening with Draco yesterday, didn't you?" ?

- Yes.

-" I'm going to gut him. Mattheo whispered.

-"No, you're not going to gut anyone. You're going to mind your own business and let your twin live her life.

- You love it ? he asked, controlling himself not to throw himself on the blonde.

- "Honestly, yes. I answered.

— This is going to end badly, Rosemarie. I feel it. Said he.

- "We'll see about that later, but promise me you won't kill him or fight him or whatever . I said.

— I promise. But if he hurts you, I promise I'll kill him. Said Mattheo angry to have to promise.

— Not killing him for any obscure reason would be possible ? I said

- No, it's that or nothing. Say my twin, his face contorted with anger.

- It's already a start. I say very weakly.

- I heard you. Say Matt.

— Listen to the lesson instead of listening to me. I say, laughing slightly.

The rest of the lesson passed fairly quickly, but far from absolute tranquillity.

I exchanged words with Enzo, Draco and Theodore. And, that had brought me much closer to them, following, at this hour of class.

Mattheo continued to stare at Draco with his darkest gaze. And tried to send him words of course of threat which I intercepted and threw away.

Draco seemed to watch his written words. Surely, following my little discussion with him.

It was all very fun, but exhausting at the same time. Preventing my brother from transmitting these words was not an easy task.

Finally, the lesson ends. Mattheo stood up and walked over to Draco. I quickly walked over to him and pulled her away from Malfoy. I took Mattheo out of class.

— Mattheo is seriously trying ! Exclaimed me.

- I can't help it ! I told him not to come near you and he did the complete opposite, asshole. cried Mattheo.

- "Be careful what you say. I said

- You are getting on my nerves. he growled.

- Just to remind you what you told me earlier. Try not to hold back, he has a party tonight. So don't get yourself in trouble ! And also, you promised me.

— Cursed Promise ! That I must love you for promising you this. Tell my brother.

— Yes, I am your favorite person ! I say laughing.

- Well, come on, let's go eat. Say my twin.

We then headed to the great room and we sit down together.

Moments later, a majestic owl appeared and handed me a letter.

Seeing the black envelope I knew exactly where it came from.

I looked at Mattheo not knowing what to do. But neither this nor any other Boy had seen that I had received a letter. Mattheo was too busy staring at the blonde. And Lorenzo and Theo watched the scene amused.

I then quickly hid the envelope, which I decided to open later, when I would be alone in my dormitory.

I quickly finished my meal. And I left without the boys noticing, to my dorm.

I crossed the stairs and the vast corridors as quickly as I could. My father couldn't write to me to tell me trivialities. And what was to be written in this letter was not to be good news for me. Especially considering that Mattheo hadn't received any. It didn't bode well.

I then arrived at the entrance to the Slytherin common room. I hurried to enter then I crossed the stairs leading to the dormitory in no time.

Once in my room, I plopped down on my couch and nervously pulled the letter out of my robes.

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