19-Enhanced friendship

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I stood still for a few moments while contemplating the magnificent scenery.

The stream so majestic and intriguing at the same time emitted small, very relaxing noises, which calmed me down.

The sound of water flowing through the rocks did me so much good. I felt so good.

I knew I was late for my second class. So, you might as well miss it altogether.

Anyway, I didn't want to see my brother.

I sat at the feet of the tree and took out a pen and my sketchbook of clothes.

I always have my notebook with me, because inspiration can come at any time.

This place gave me a lot of inspiration and so I spent the next hour imagining my ideas.

At the end of the hour, I observed what I had done and was very pleased with it.

I looked at the time, my next class started in ten minutes. So I decided, even though I didn't want to see my brother, to go to my next class.

Anyway, I can't spend the day missing classes, especially on my first day.

I packed up my things and went to my potion class.

The classroom was a lot further away than I thought. So I came to the last second.

And of course, there was only one place left, the one next to Lorenzo. I was a little desperate about it, but at the same time Lorenzo seemed to understand my friendship with the trio.

Then I went to my place and said not a word. Once the teacher started talking, Lorenzo spoke to me.

What's up? He asked me

— yes, why wouldn't it?

— Maybe because you missed the class before and I know you hit Mattheo. I'm not an idiot, you know.

How do you know about Mattheo?

— You both stayed in the class, and when Mattheo came to the other class, his face was bleeding. So I figured it was you.

Good deduction, I hit him, you're right! But you know what? I have absolutely no regrets.

It's Potter, Weasley and Granger, isn't it?

"Yes, since yesterday he has only told me that I am making a grave mistake, that I should not hang out with them." You see what I'm getting at?

— He doesn't agree with your decision and it makes you angry, because you feel like he's defending your father, right?

You're good at deduction. But really, do you think I've gone too far?

"No, I would have done as you do, you defend what is important to you." Sometimes I wish I could do that, but my parents wouldn't let me.

You know, you can always try. I say

I'm going to continue to admire you for that. He says with a smile on his lips.

Thank you, Enzo, sincerely.

It's okay, we're friends. That's all right.

We turn our attention to the professor, who was explaining I don't know what.

Time passed slowly, so I decided to look for my twin. I found him sitting a little further down with Draco.

Mattheo had cleaned his face, but there were still a few drops of blood on it. I looked away and stared at the blond at the sides.

Malfoy then looked at me and we lost ourselves in each other's eyes. I saw from the corner of Mattheo's eye looking at his office partner and then where those eyes were looking, so me. He then seemed irritated and hit Draco on the head with his manual.

I couldn't help but escape a laugh. This brought the attention of the professor and all the students to me.

Despite this, I kept my usual attitude and acted as if nothing had happened. The teacher did not seem accustomed to this reaction from a student and seemed hesitant about what to do.

Finally, the teacher did nothing and returned normally to his boring class.

I felt Enzo's look on me, but didn't look at him. I finally lost patience and turned around.

What's wrong with him? Was I whispering

— What was that, what just happened is what I think it is?

What are you talking about? I said, pretending to be ignorant, unwilling to confess what Hermione had told me earlier.

Stop pretending, you're in love with Malfoy. Did he whisper?

Shh! Keep your voice down, will you?

Ah! I knew it! You didn't deny it!

"I do not deny it, for I do not know. I don't know what love is, and to love someone.

— Wait, you mean you've never had, I don't know, a Crush or a boyfriend?!

— A cru... will you explain to me what it is?

"You don't know, what is it?" he said to me with shocked eyes.

"No, imagine that I spent the fifteen years of my life locked up in a mansion." This week is the first time I've come out of it. So no, I don't know what sorry is! I say stupidly, tired of looking stupid not to understand anything.

— I'm truly sorry, I didn't know. Was it the same for your twin?

— Yes, but he spent only 13 years locked up

That's why when I met your brother, he understood practically nothing about absolutely everything. He says

Thank you, it makes me feel less incompetent. I say sarcastically.

— Don't worry, you'll get used to it quickly. I don't doubt it. You're already a lot more informed than your brother was. And he caught up pretty fast, so I'm not worried about you.

— Thank you, but I still don't know what a, what's it called?
I say.

— Does a Crush laugh before explaining the concept to me?

— At any rate, I hope you understand, even though I know you've never had one before.

You know, maybe you're right, maybe I'm in love.

Who knows you?

You and Hermione. She told me about the same thing.

Does she know you've been locked up for 15 years?

Yes, but please keep it to yourself. You and Mattheo are the only ones who know. And as much as I hate my brother right now, I don't want everyone to know he was locked up, too. If he didn't tell you, it was for a reason.

"You don't," he said with a wink.

The class was finally over. I didn't listen, I spent the class talking to Enzo. He explained to me several very common concepts that I was unfamiliar with.

For example, he explained to me much more deeply what a party was. And honestly, it sounds like a lot of fun.

Also, it really brought Lorenzo and I closer, he's a really great friend. He's honest, compassionate and very protective.

I'm really glad to have him as a friend.

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