30- Party

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Draco led me into the room. The room was full of Slytherin students in 5th year or higher.

The music was loud, and people were dancing. Some were smoking in a corner and others were drinking.

- Hey ! you are finally here ! Say a voice behind me.

The person came forward and stood in front of me, and then I could see Enzo.

— Enzo ! I didn't know it was you. I said, walking over to hug him.

- "You took a long time. Said my brother, standing next to Enzo.

— Stop whining. I say laughing.

We spent several minutes talking before going to get a drink.

I finally spent the evening dancing and tossing down many glasses of various kinds of alcohol.

I knew drinking so much alcohol was not a good idea. But with each sip, I felt like I was gradually forgetting all my problems.

I knew exactly what I was doing. I wanted to forget the problems I would have tomorrow. I wanted to forget this meeting with my father, tomorrow.

Despite everything, I continued to drink. Knowing that I would live the consequences of my actions tomorrow when I wake up.

- "I think you've feasted Mini-Riddle enough. Come on, let's go to sleep. Draco said while removing the glass of alcohol I was holding.

His words were a bit fuzzy. I was clearly not sober, and this one knew it and that's why he picked me up in his arms and led me to my room. Walking would have taken forever.

He put me in my bed and took off my shoes. I immediately fell into a deep sleep.

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