28: Prince Not-So-Charming & Robot Cinderella

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❝say you'll see me again, even if it's just pretend❞

- wildest dreams : taylor swift

Carlos may not have truly fulfilled his dream of becoming a superhero, but he did have one power that never failed him. He had puppy dog eyes that could get him just about anything in the world. In the past, he'd used them to get Kit to patch up a hole in his beloved stuffed puppy, and persuaded Penny into making him her chocolate chip banana bread. But, today, Carlos wanted his friends' help with love.

He had yet to gush about any girl since his breakup with Blonde Jennifer. For a hopeless romantic like Carlos, that was ages. Unfortunately for his friends, this mission meant they would have to agree to doing yet another cameo for Gustavo.

After they returned home with burns from Scott Baio's Taser Tots, none of the boys were keen on doing any more acting. That was what Kendall told Gustavo when he called to inform him of Big Time Rush's guest appearance on the kids' show, Coco.0. Carlos seemed to be the only one interested in the idea. He perked up in his seat, despite the pain, even pausing the video game he, the other boys, and Katie had been playing. Kit turned in her spot next to Kendall to watch Carlos.


Carlos gasped. "You mean the Kidzie Channel TV show about the girl robot, but only her spunky best friend knows that she's a robot, and if the popular kids found out, she'd be scrapped for parts?"

Carlos leaned into Logan, his eyes wide. He nodded.

"That's the one."

Carlos let out another gasp. "Oh." He held a fist up to his mouth, biting it.

Logan shared a look with Kit. She raised her eyebrows knowingly at Carlos.

"You know," James held his ice pack closer to his sore knee. "A lot of our fans worship that show."

"Oh," Carlos sat up in his seat again, adding. "And the robot who plays Coco... oh-ho, she's amazing!"

He turned to Logan again, grinning like a child.

Kit grimaced. Kendall gaped at Carlos. He hoped this wouldn't be a repeat of when they saw Toy Story 3 in theaters and had to have the discussion about the difference between reality and film.

Katie corrected him, "You mean the actress."

"Actress," Carlos repeated.

His jaw dropped and his eyes widened as it dawned on him.

"Um," Kendall interrupted. He pointed his ice pack in a gesture to the other three boys. "But we all agreed no more cameos."

"Okay," Carlos leaned forward. "But before you say no-"

He plucked the remote from the coffee table and selected Coco.0.

"Just watch a little bit of the show."

The scene opened with a laugh track. A girl, who Kit could admit was rather pretty, entered a school gym. She walked stiffly, with her arms bent like a Barbie doll.

"Okay, Lindsay," said the girl. "Now I'm ready to interface with the popular girls at study hall."

"Um, no," The other character gave her a look of disapproval. "Coco, those shoes are so last year."

"Uh-oh," Coco's head bent down at the neck as she held out her shoe. "Better reboot."

The writing was cheesy and the acting was over exaggerated. None of the teens reacted to it, save Carlos. He burst out into a fit of laughter, kicking his feet. Kit and Katie turned to him, concerned. Logan bit his lip, staring at his feet.

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