31: The Return of Wagonie

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 ❝baby, i'm perfect for you / if you like midnight driving with the windows down

- perfect : one direction

In an effort to help Mama Knight more around the house, and to sneak in whatever snacks they wanted, the boys and Kit accompanied her to buy the household groceries for the week. The five of them held at least one bag of food each. Logan took an extra, refusing to make Kit carry too much. They chatted as they walked from the parking lot to the Palm Woods.

They talked over each other as they went. Carlos had already gotten into the Kids cereal and was shoving handfuls into his mouth.

Kendall scolded him. "Don't eat the cereal out of the box!"

"-It's soy milk!"

"Woah!" Carlos gasped through his snack.

They slowed to a stop as they spotted something by the building's Shuttle Bus loading zone. Someone parked a sleek black motorcycle, complete with a helmet. They tacked on a For Sale sign— though with no price— and a phone number. All four of the boys gaped at it.

As Carlos continued, pieces of the colorful food flew from his mouth. "Cool motorcycle for sale."

Kit frowned. She shifted her groceries, glancing warily at the boys. This wasn't good.

Logan didn't take his eyes off of it.

"The good boy in me says 'look away,'" He turned his head to his left before going back to the bike. "But the bad boy in me says 'hello.'"

Logan raised an eyebrow.

Kit's frown deepened. There was no way they were getting that bike.

Kendall took a step closer to it, which the others soon followed.

"You know what," he said. "I bet if we all pitched in, we could buy it and have the Big-Time Ride of our lives."

Kit could only exhale slowly as she watched them all stare off into the distance. She recognized the dreamy looks on their faces and knew they were already imagining unrealistic fantasies with that motorcycle.

Kendall thought of himself in a black leather jacket and matching helmet, wearing some sunglasses, as he sped down a country road. Jo sat on the back of the motorcycle with their picnic basket, grinning at him. Logan thought of a more stereotypical bikers' jacket with his name embroidered on the breast as he and Kit rode through the streets of L.A. Carlos's mind took yet another direction, as he saw himself in a state troopers uniform—looking not unlike his father— and cruising down the Golden State Freeway. But it was James who had the most ridiculous dream. He saw himself in a red and black biker jacket, some heavy boots, sunglasses, and his feet resting up on the handlebars to steer. They thought, too, of the four of them piled onto it together, grinning through the streets of New York City.

By this point, they had set the groceries down on the ground and each climbed onto the bike. Kit stood nearby, brow furrowed in concern as they played pretend. It was her mother who finally brought the boys back to reality.

"Are you out of your mind?"

This startled the boys. They jumped slightly in their seats. Logan turned around, confused by the others behind him. James's eyes widened as he took in a deeply unamused Mama Knight. Carlos looked at Kendall, whose eyebrows were raised. They each took a look around, wondering when they got onto the bike.

Mama Knight lifted a finger of the hand not holding groceries and pointed it at them.

"If I ever see any of you even think about getting a motorcycle, I will..."

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