Bonus: Bad Boys

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As requested by the lovely @delusions2000

Note: This bonus chapter can be seen as a baby prequel, as the story begins in season 2. I might upload some s1 headcanons just for fun, but this episode is gold, and kit will only make it better

[ 1 x 4 ]

Boy bands had a lot of rules that none of the Big Time Rush boys knew about before they were in one. Things like the necessity of synchronized dance or occasional matching outfits never crossed their minds. So, when Gustavo dropped a new rule on them, they were confused to say the least.

After a run-through of "City Is Ours," Gustavo and Kelly entered the rehearsal studio to face the boys. Kendall grinned at him:

"Gustavo, this song is great."

"Um, of course, it's great," Gustavo pointed to himself. "I wrote it."

Kelly rolled her eyes. Raising his voice, Gustavo added:

"But, the band isn't great. What's missing is the secret rock and roll ingredient."

As he began to walk down the line of boys, they offered guesses:

"Hair mousse."

Carlos gasped, "Chocolate mousse."

Logan looked at him, fearful. "Spandex? Please don't say spandex."

Gustavo wrapped an arm around Logan as he finally told them what it was.

"The bad boy," he squeezed Logan's shoulders. He then moved down the line of boys. "The ill-tempered rebel with a flair for synchronized dance. One of you has to be it."

Once he reached the other end of the line, he added, "I say it's Kendall."

Kendall turned to look at him, mouth agape. He looked to Kelly for support, but she only shot him a wink and a finger-gun.

"Gustavo," Kendall asked. "Why do we need a bad boy?"

Gustavo pointed to Kelly, snapping his fingers. She pulled a photo of Griffin from her folder, held it up, and played the voicemail on speaker:

"Gustavo, it's Griffin. The band needs a bad boy. Bye."

Gustavo reached his hands up to pull off his sunglasses. "He's driving me crazy!"

"But," Glancing back to the boys, he continued. "He's also right, because the bad boy is a rock and roll tradition."

Kendall shared a look with James, uncertain.

Determined to prove it to them, Gustavo led them on a tour of his hall of fame. He stopped first at a poster for BoyQuake. "Notice the back turned to the rest of the group," he pointed to the boy on the far left, who was wearing an orange prison jumpsuit. "Bad boy."

On the opposite wall, he pointed to the poster for Boy Blast. "Notice the back turned, the dark clothing, and the scowl."

This boy's face was only visible from the side. "Bad boy."

Kelly lifted a finger, cautioning them: "But, there can only be one bad boy per group, as learned from the Bad Boys Experiment of '95."

Kelly lifted up the Boy Blast poster to reveal one that none of the boys had seen before. It was for a band called Bad Boyz, but none of them faced the camera for their cover shoot. The song title was fitting at least, as "Back 2 U, Girl" was literal.

Regretfully, Gustavo stared at it. "Didn't sell a single CD."

"But," Kendall reminded him. "We're best friends. We never turn our backs on each other."

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