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Tilly Taylor 5 months ago:

" I can't believe you've managed to drag me here " I laugh as we descend the stairs into the private LA bar.

" you've got to let loose sometimes Tilly " Rosie shrugs grabbing my hand as we make our way into the actual bar.

This bar is for celebrities and famous people a like, it's only meant for people with some kind of status and believe I am not that, but Rosie is, the bar is dimly lit with vintage bulbs hanging from the ceiling, the walls are covered in fake ivy with the exposed red brick peaking through.

In all honestly when Rosie said we were going to a A list bar I expected marble and gold, this is a lot more laid back and I would actually find myself in a bar like this usually maybe not surrounded by celebrities but it's nice and cosy.

Rosie is a famous author, I on the other hand am not, we met because I became her personal trainer after we chatted at the gym once and we soon gelled quickly ever since then we've had coffee dates, wine nights at one another's houses but Rosie said I needed to let my hair down and get out more so here we are.

We walk towards the bar, this room is massive being filled with so many famous faces I'm a bit star struck as we walk past them all,  but I try not to glare for long keeping my attention on Rosie, living in LA you see so many famous people just strolling around grabbing coffees and going about their daily life.

I just keep my head down and let them live their life and admire some of my favourites from afar, whilst other fans swarm them, Billie Eilish once came into my work and I had to hide in the back room to hide my fan girling over her.

I think Rosie is the first celebrity interaction I've ever had and that was for work purposes, oh and I should mention Rosie is my only friend out here in LA besides a couple work colleagues but they're just work friends.

" hey are you listening? " Rosie snaps my attention back to her as we are seated at the bar now, I fully didn't even notice I mentally clocked out for a second there.

" yeah sorry it's a bit overwhelming seeing all these famous people in one room, trying to keep my cool here " I laugh.

" I asked what you wanted to drink, i'm guessing your usual white wine? " she raises her eyebrows at me.

" ah you know me too well " I chuckle back fixing my hair a bit.

Rosie orders and we begin drinking but one glass of wine turns into three and before I know it we have a bottle on the table we are sharing, we talk about everything from work to life and family.

" so how's the new book coming along? " I sip my wine, Rosie is an incredible author and she fits into the celebrity life style so effortlessly she has the perfect look and personality for it.

Her perfect bronzed skin, her brown hair styled in her natural pin tight unruly curls, her hazel brown eyes and full plump lips fit her face perfectly. She's beautiful and if I'm honest she's in the wrong career and could easily be a model with her height and perfectly toned body.

I however could not we are polar opposites I have jet black raven hair that's partly wavy, I'm as pale as snow but my tattoos that decorate my whole body add some well needed colour to my skin, my eyes are sage green and I have freckles that decorate my face. I'm a shorter build and much more curvier then most women in this room making me more self conscious then usual.

For a personal trainer you wouldn't expect my body type at all, I have soft squishy thighs, a soft tummy that rolls when I sit down and stretch marks can be seen in between the patches of ink on my body. But I'm strong and have a vigorous work out routine for my many clients I get them to where they want to be, their before and after photos got me the recognition I needed to be a successful trainer out here in LA.

Enigmatic | HSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ