23 | The Beach

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Matilda Taylor:

Harry had left after breakfast and his shower, he told us a car would come by at 1pm to pick us up and to bring nothing but our beautiful selfs as everything we needed would be provided for.

" how? " Rosie sat on my bed as I threw clothes behind in a panicked state, looking for some kind of swimwear to wear at the beach this evening.

" how what? " I pulled out a red bikini one I haven't worn in years, one I knew would be too tight on my bum and boobs now since I gained more weight but it's the only option I had in the short amount of time I was given.

" how can you go from fucking someone to being just friends? I'm asking for me because I've met many amazing men but I've ruined the friendship with sex, I can even look them in the eye now without thinking dirty thoughts " she laughed.

" I don't know I just turn it off you know, any feelings " little did she know I've been walking a fine line lately of turning my feelings off and giving into my desires.

I make my way into the bathroom to try on the small bikini. It's tight but it fits, my boobs overspill slightly and my ass is definitely out but it's the only one I have.

I walk out of my bathroom showing Rosie, her eyes almost fall out of her head, her reaction makes me hug my soft waist to try cover some of my skin, I've come to love my body but I'm squishy and jiggly I'm curvy and the thought of being this exposed makes me second guess this thing all together.

" wow, you're fucking hot. You can turn off you're feelings but I doubt Harry can after seeing you wearing that " she wolf whistles at me, making me blush.

" it's too small I should just wear some shorts and crop top " I sigh walking back into the bathroom to change.

Rosie grabs my arm and pulls me away from the door " as a cover up until we get there and you feel more comfortable but no girl you're absolutely gorgeous do not change, never change a thing about yourself " it felt more like a demand then anything.

" oh okay " I go to my draws pulling out some black high waisted denim shorts and a black lace bleach cover to throw over my swimsuit.

" shall we get going to yours so you have something to wear? " I ask as I glance at Rosie who's currently wearing skinny jeans and a crop top.

" nah girl I'm having my assistant bring me some things don't worry about it " she smiled at me.

" ah to be rich and famous " I hum.


Bang on time a car showed up outside my apartment for me and Rosie, it was a blacked out car which I was praying was cooler then my apartment since it didn't have air-con and I was absolutely sweating bullets at this point.

I walk over to the car a little timid incase it wasn't for us but the second we got close the driver jumped out opening the door, " Miss Taylor " he nodded at me I didn't know what to say I just smiled like a fool back at him.

Climbing into the blacked out car I was thankful for the cool air hitting my face, Rosie was wearing a black swim suit with gold detailing covered up by a cute little mesh beach cover, she looked like a super model as always.

my hair was thrown up into a pony tail, red sunglasses perched on top of my head to match my bikini, I had light makeup on enough to make me look awake but not too much so my freckles still showed through.


We drove for some time past endless amounts of beach, I wondered where the hell we were heading until the driver pulled into a car park.

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