7 | Guilt

109 2 1

Tilly Taylor:

This whole week I've been working out to my new guilty pleasure which is Harry styles new album and a bit of one direction in between needing to hear more of Harry's raspy voice, I can't help it the songs get stuck in my head like ear worms and I find myself humming or singing the lyrics to different songs pretty much every day this week and running to only Angel is incredible and gives me such a power trip, the beat is the perfect tempo to run too.

I have this overwhelming overconfident boost about myself lately since I heard the album, just knowing I had that affect on him after one night really does something to the old ego of mine, I'm not a confident girl hell if anything moving to LA knocked it seeing as every women on the street wearing their causal attire but still manage to look like a Victoria secret model on a catwalk.

My patience is wearing thin from the temptation I feel some nights, I've literally had to take cold showers some days just to get that man out of my brain, I can't lie hearing him sing she's a good girl knowing it's about me, really gets under my skin and makes me incredibly hot and bothered.

I'm so lost in my own thoughts running on the treadmill with my headphones on I don't even see Rosie pop up next to me, my eyes are set dead ahead as I mouth the words to only Angel, I don't know how long she was stood there for but it went onto the next song making me have a stupid grin on my face.

This made Rosie stand in my line of sight making me almost trip and fall on the treadmill because she startled me, I stop the machine and pull off my headphones, trying to pause the music quickly before she hears it.

" what-how long-" she cuts me off.

" long enough to know your new guilty pleasure is songs about your steamy one night stands with Harold " she laughs at me, she flips her head down and pulls her curly hair into a ponytail before joining me on the machine next to me so we can chat whilst she warms up and I warm down.

" they're catchy " I play it off as nothing, it's not nothing though is it?

" hmmm wouldn't have anything to do with a certain green eyed curly haired boy would it? " she starts her machine walking briskly next to me at first.

" uh-no they're just catchy " I repeat myself again,I can feel my cheeks flush red, but I'm thankful I've just been running for 20 minutes straight so I can blame my rosey cheeks on my work out rather then the thought of Harry, who has been consuming my every thought lately.

" yeah yeah if you say so " she smirks whilst shaking her head, she can see right through me and I hate it, I hate that the simple thoughts of him makes me so flustered.

" urm have you seen him recently? " I reach for my water bottle my throat feeling dry all of sudden with the question.

" I have last night he came over to chat to me about some things " she can't hide her smile knowing this is the first time I've ever asked about him since that night, for once it was me carrying on the conversation about him and not her.

" what things? "

" he invited me to his album release show here in LA it's for one night only, and he gave me a spare ticket for his muse " she winks at me and gestures her hand towards me, I can't help but smile and wonder what he said when he asked me to come along too.

My face drops at the thought of seeing him again, not only that but seeing him perform and in his element would be nice to see that side of him as I haven't had the pleasure to do so.

I think for a bit trying to convince myself not to go but I can't, I'm dying to see him again even if it's just for one night. Plus he's working right? I'll be in a crowd of thousands of people, he will be on a stage and probably won't see me in the sea of people but most importantly I'll see him.

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