9 | cat & mouse

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Harry styles:

I was supposed to spend the day before my show in meetings about things like merchandise, what songs we are going to sing, should we include one from the band to give a little nod to where I came from but I couldn't focus for the life of me.

Not after this morning, not after the texts and phone call, not after she finally texted me. I was just happy to hear from her, but the instant flirting and teasing reminded me of why she ended up having 3 dam songs about her on my album.

I'm twisting my rings on my finger completely zoned out as people talk at me, " you alright there man " Mitch my best friend speaks to the side of me clearly noticing how I wasn't paying any kind of attention to what our managers had to say in this moment.

" yeah I'm fine " my phone buzzes in my pocket it's Angel asking how my meeting is going, it's weird how we are just so casually texting right now like we have known each other for ages but we haven't, I can't help but grin at my phone making Mitch lean over and glance at the name on my phone.

" Angel? Who's that " he lightly pushes my shoulder with his in a teasing motion, he knows I only ever get into serious relationships I never do hookups so when I'm interested in someone they get my full devotion and attention. I'm not sure where this will go with her, but she's already got me hooked I'm hoping these texts will turn into dates, and dates will turn into dating if it all goes well, I know I'm getting ahead of myself but I'm a hopeless romantic what can I say.

" you know the girl from the bar, the one I went home with " I hint waiting for him to catch on, after all Mitch encouraged me to go up to her that night after spilling my drink on her dress I spent a good ten minutes just gawking at her admiring her from afar and he told me to bite the bullet and go up to her.

He was shocked when I told him the next day I had a rare one night stand and she didn't even give me her name, I told him I didn't want it to be a one night stand but there was some kind of gravitational pull with us that night. It was instant insane chemistry, plus she asked me first and I wasn't exactly going to turn her down was I?

" no fucking way, you found her? " he knows about the songs, he knows I've been trying to pry more information about Angel out of Rosie, he knows I've been pining after a women I barely knew, he didn't make fun though he's a huge romantic like me he literally married Sara my drummer in literal months of knowing her.

We don't fit into the typical stereotype of famous guys me and Mitch, we dont want to fuck anything that gives us attention, we have both been raised better then that, to respect women and I want genuine connections that way the sex is 10 times better then one night stands.

" she kinda found me, Rosie gave her my number months ago and this morning she just randomly texted me " I shrug trying to make it out like it's no big deal to me, but I was excited and he could see right through me he knew I was ecstatic about the whole situation.

" she coming tomorrow then? Tell her to come back stage and meet us all for after show drinks, I need to see who had you writing lyrics about her after one night together " he politely offered and teased me at the same time.

" no she can't she's busy " I smile at him with a tight lipped smile not showing my disappointment, honestly I'm just glad we are talking that's all. The ticket was my last resort to finding her or seeing her again before I gave up for good and moved on with my life but she did one better she messaged me.

Since this morning we haven't stopped texting back and forth about everything and nothing, I'd be lying if I said when I'm alone I haven't scrolled back up in our conversation to look at the photo and video she sent me.

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