21 | The Bucket List

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Tilly Taylor: tigger warning

Back in my apartment I go change into some baggy sweat pants and a oversized shirt, Harry kicks off his shoes at the door and gets himself comfortable on the sofa.

It's strange seeing him just sat on his phone in my home, probably because the last couple of times he's been here he didn't just come in and sit down, we were usually tangled up in one another's body's before heading up the stairs.

I roam into the kitchen swinging open the fridge grabbing two bottles of wine and two glasses if I'm going to make it through this bucket list thing I need alcohol to back me up.

I place the bottle in front of Harry and hand him the glass " two bottles? " he questioned, whilst glancing at the bottle in my own hand.

" yes Harry two, I don't like to share my wine. I'd cook but it's late and I can't be bothered so I'll order us a pizza to share is that okay? " I open my phone scrolling through the apps trying to find Uber eats.

" wine and pizza what happened to my tour diet " he questioned me playfully, i dart my eyes up from my phone " you know you can still enjoy treats from time to time I will never understand why people have fad diets that never work " I shake my head ordering two pizzas instead out of protest to Harry's comment.

Most diets fail and people starve themselves only to go back to old eating habits and put the weight back on it never works cutting out all the good things in life like cheese, why would you want to cut out cheese?

Harry just nods his head opening his wine and I do the same, we cheers our glasses together " what we celebrating " I ask whilst his glass clinks against mine.

" to never loosing your childhood wonder, freedom and new adventures " he smiles making his dimple pop which makes my eyes linger on his lips a little too long, I smile back before sipping my wine and shaking my head to rid myself of the thoughts of Harry's heart shaped cherry lips.

" do you have a note book we can start writing in? " he asks setting his glass down on the table.

" what for? " I question.

" I want you to write down each thing you've always wanted to do no matter how silly they feel to you " he beams back at me with that dimpled smile.

" uh no I don't but I have some scrap paper? " I stand wonder over to the set of draws in my living room and pull out a ratty old piece of paper, and pen and put it on the table.

Harry furrows his brows as he glances at the paper " urm sure this will do for now " he nods handing me the pen, I think and think, I think hard too the point I feel a slight headache coming on.

" all the things I'm thinking of are too childish Harry I can't it's embarrassing " I place the pen back down and sip my wine.

" nothing or no one can tell you that your dreams or hopes are too small, here take the pen write down your hearts wishes you don't even have to show me " he nods holding the pen up again to me.

I reluctantly take it but the second I hold it in my palm I'm jotting down a never ending list of things I've always wanted to do, I nod once it's done and set the pen down.

" how do you feel? " he asked me sipping his own wine.

" like I've never lived, like my whole life has been about surviving and I'm tired of it " I confess the wine making my lips looser as I open up more.

Harry sets down his glass and nods, he reaches out to hold my hand his thumb caresses the back of my hand slowly, a simple touch. Not too much not too little and I appreciated it more then he'll ever know, he didn't push me to explain he just waited for me to talk or change the subject.

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